Lazuward - lapis lazuli

The power of lapis lazuli is the same as that of lazzak az-zaha, but slightly weaker.

Hot in the second degree, dry in the third.

It is characterized by a burning, putrid, cleansing, pungent and slightly astringent force; it burns and ulcerates.

Reduces warts.

Organs of the eye.
Lapis lazuli decorates eyelashes, makes them thicker and strengthens. In this regard, lapis lazuli is said to have an excellent effect due to its special property, and they also say because it removes bad juices that prevent hair from growing well.

Breast organs.
Lapis lazuli helps against asthma.

Eruption organs.
Lapis lazuli, when taken in a drink, significantly reduces menstruation, and if it is inserted into the vagina, it is beneficial for the uterus; it drives away black bile and any thick impurities from the blood. It is also useful for kidney pain. They drink up to four karams at a time, and when mixed with medicines - up to one dirham.