Treatment and Prevention Provision


Medical and preventive support for troops is a component of medical care for troops, the purpose of which is to maintain the health of personnel, protect their life and health, as well as provide timely medical intervention in the event of illness or injury. This is an integral part of army health care, as reliable and effective treatment and preventive care

Medical support is one of the most important elements of training troops (forces). At the initial stage of training, this primarily concerns the main contingent of military personnel - privates and sergeants and cadets. The medical measures taken are aimed mainly at increasing the body's defenses and resistance to colds.

Medical support is organized in all branches of the military (naval forces). The command of the Armed Forces is of great importance in organizing medical support for personnel. It provides the planned amount of medical support, equips educational units with medical

**Therapeutic and preventive measures** are an integral and integral part of medical and sanitary provision. They are carried out with the aim of preserving the health and performance of military personnel in peacetime conditions, improving their physical and mental condition, preventing diseases and maintaining readiness to perform official duties. The peculiarity of treatment and preventive measures in peacetime is that they are carried out without suspending the activities of military units.