Treatment of black jaundice and a combination of both jaundices

With splenic black jaundice, we look to see if there is significant blood overflow and let blood from the left basil and then from the saving vein, then we deal with the spleen and eliminate its blockages, tumors or weakness. If the cause of the disease is an abundance of black bile due to the action of the forces that generate it or food, as we said earlier, then it is also necessary to remove the black bile using means that remove it. These include, by the way, a decoction of scolopendra with harbak, mentioned in the Pharmacopoeia, which is emptied several times, and a decoction of dodder according to the following recipe: take myrobalans black and Kabul, each for ten dirhams, smoker, polypodium, scolopendra, rush inflorescences - five , celery root and fennel - a handful each, black hellebore - two dirhams. All this is boiled in three ritls of water until one quarter remains, dodder is added to the decoction - five dirhams, boiled lightly and filtered. With this they combine bitter iyaraj in the amount of two-thirds of a dirham. They also use pills made from black myrobalans, dodder, Indian salt, agaric and caper root bark. After emptying, the patient is given the milk of a camel in foal, and if it is not found, then cheese whey prepared with sikanjubin with seeds, rush, Dubrovnik polyum and medicines for the spleen: scolopendra, caper root and the like, as well as ode in which tamarisk leaves were boiled , its roots, the juice of capers, the juice of radish leaves with sikanjubin and nightshade juice, celery juice, if there is a fever, and sikanjubin, in which centipede, caper leaves, tamarisk fruits and Dubrovnik polyum were boiled. If there is a hot tumor in the spleen, then one should not go overboard with warming medicines, and if there are blockages in it, then the strong opening medicines mentioned in the part about the liver help with this also. We will also talk in the paragraph about blockages in the spleen about special medicines against this disease.

If black jaundice arose due to the weakness of the attractive force of the spleen, then it is necessary to place jars on the spleen without an incision and prescribe physical exercises and medicinal dressings that strengthen the spleen, for example, a dressing prepared according to the following recipe: bitter wormwood, wild cumin, rush inflorescences, thyme, centaury and caper roots - one part each, roses - two parts, bdellia - one and a half parts, ushshaka seven parts and one tenth. This bandage is applied to the spleen! If they want to wash the spleen, then they wash it with strong vinegar, in which dill, bavrak, salt, rue and mint were boiled.

If the cause of black jaundice is the heat of the liver, then you treat the liver with agents that extinguish heat, and if there is coldness, you treat it mainly with a large teriyak, as well as with well-known medicines against it. If the cause of jaundice is the whole body, you first do what is necessary with the liver, so that the vessels and then the body are exposed to the treatment. As for I black jaundice, as such, it is treated with the same means that yellow jaundice, as such, is treated, choosing strong remedies. When both types of jaundice occur at the same time and there is overflow, so that there is a need for bloodletting, then they bleed from both hands, taking a break of several days between bloodletting. At the same time, both treatment regimens are combined, and in the intervals between bloodletting they drink a decoction of wormwood and dodder, and also mix the juice of radish, tamarisk, and Egyptian willow leaves - one and a half ukiyya each, nightshade juice - three ukiyya, juice of caper leaves - two ukiyya . They are mixed, the whole thing is boiled with ten dirhams of the laxative cassia and two-thirds of a dirham of bitter iyaraj, two danaks of saffron and three qirats of scammonium resin baked in quince are added. After taking the medicine, wait two days, and then give cheese whey with shikanjubin to drink. As for food in all such cases, these are already well-known light dishes, as well as fish from rocky reservoirs and broth from fatty chickens, and from vegetables - chicory and celery, especially pickled, as well as capers in vinegar.