Treatment of black gall, that is, splenic diarrhea

With this disease, you should seek treatment for the spleen, find out its condition and take the necessary measures to counteract the disease. If there is an abundance of black bile and the patient’s strength is significant, then the bile is removed with a decoction of dodder and similar means. For stools that are thick like wine grounds, which is caused not by a tumor, but by the thickness of the bile itself, use, if the patient’s strength is significant, this laxative: take Andaranium salt - one part, acacia acacia - three parts and black hellebore - two parts, thoroughly boil the Arabian gum acacia and hellebore in water, then dissolve the salt in the broth, strain the broth and let it drink; This is the method of elimination and purification through relaxation.

When there is a need for bloodletting, they open the blood and strengthen the liver and the mouth of the patient’s stomach, if diarrhea occurs due to stomach disease and black bile due to the outpouring of black bile juices into the stomach, and also place jars on the spleen that retain in it the juices pouring out from it into the stomach and intestines. After this, the patient is treated with rarefied tonics, such as, for example, this combination compiled by us: take pomegranate seeds - ten dirhams, roasted red bahman - one dirham, amber - one dirham, rue seeds and shakhisfaram seeds - one dirham each. Powders are prepared from this; for one appointment they give three dirhams. And one more thing: they take pomegranate seeds and black raisin seeds, pound them with vinegar and water, squeeze out the juice, strain, add a little salt and raisins and use it as a seasoning. If a stronger remedy is required, take incense, sati tubers, cypress cones and sukkah - half a dirham each, and Kaka - one dirham, and drink this with pure old wine.