Treatment Staged

Epidemics inevitably appear and flare up, especially during periods of troop mobilization - this is all well known and understandable, no one even doubts that such outbreaks are possible. It’s another matter when an epidemic comes suddenly and inevitably, and there are no troops or medical services nearby. This is always a huge problem. In this regard, it is necessary to prepare doctors and students interested in epidemics and ways to overcome them as much as possible before such a situation suddenly overtakes our society. To prevent such a situation, you need to remember where it can come from, so


Staged treatment is an important system of medical and evacuation support for active armies, which provides a combination of treatment and evacuation. This refers to the provision of emergency medical care in the immediate vicinity of the disaster site or troop deployment area. This is necessary to maintain the combat readiness and health of command personnel and contingents, as well as to quickly respond to a threat to the lives of military personnel.

Treatment at the stages of medical evacuation becomes uniform, which ensures the continuity of care and treatment for victims with injuries of various locations as