Treatment of hot headache in the absence of matter

When treating this type of headache, the goal is cooling. At the beginning there is nothing more beneficial than pure, cooled rose oil, which is poured generously on the head; it is better to surround the crown with the aforementioned rim. As you already know, you should not pay attention only to the back of the head. If rose oil alone is not enough, then mix it with the squeezed juices of vegetables and cold plants. Here is a remedy that you can’t find almost anything more useful: let the patient suck in ice-cold milk with violet or rose oil into his nose. It is a good idea to mix rose oil with vinegar, because vinegar helps the medicine penetrate into the brain. It is often very helpful to drink vinegar diluted with plenty of water.

As for the related headache from sunburn, it is treated in the same way, but they pay more attention to balancing the air and cooling it, placing the patient in a cool place, using medicinal dressings, pouring and rubbing in all sorts of naturally cold oils, cooling them to ice Medicines taken through the nose, substances taken by dripping, and snuffs are also used. You already know all this. With these and other headaches, you should avoid everything that moves the juices with force, for example, screaming, deep thoughts, copulation, fasting. If you take action at the beginning of a headache from a sunburn, it will be easier to change the nature, but if you leave the ailment unattended, then treatment will very likely become difficult or complicated. Often the sun causes headaches not only from heating, but also because it excites vapors and sets motionless juices in motion; in this case, it is impossible to do without emptyings performed by the methods already mentioned. It is often necessary to perform emptying in those cases when the sun does not excite vapors and does not move juices, namely when overflow is felt and there is a danger of attracting matter to the head, to the sore spot, which you already know from the Fundamentals; If at the same time we neglect the emptying of the overwhelming juice, then we cannot be sure that some damage will not soon occur in the brain. If, with various types of hot headaches, the head is very hot and excessively warm, then take barley oatmeal and flea plantain, knead them in the juice of the shepherd’s staff, cool them and make a medicinal headband out of it.

As for headaches arising from hot blood matter, in this case you need to hurry with bloodletting and remove the blood according to the need and endurance of the patient. If bleeding from the ulnar veins is not enough and the pain remains the same, and all the vessels swell and you see signs of obvious overflow on the patient’s head, face and eyes, then you need to let blood from such veins, when opened, the brain itself is emptied, for example, from the vessels located in the nose on all sides, as well as from the frontal vein, because bleeding from these vessels often completely eliminates headaches. In this case, you should pay attention to which side the head hurts: if the pain is felt in the back side, then bleed from the vessels adjacent to the front side, and when it is felt somewhere on the other side, then bleed || from a vessel located on the opposite side. If a suitable vessel cannot be found on the opposite side, then use cupping instead of bloodletting. The wise Archigen says: If this is not enough, then you need to put cups between the shoulder blades and release a lot of blood; then they rub the wound area with crushed salt and constantly keep the wool dipped in olive oil on it; after this, the next morning, you need to apply medicine for wounds. This applies not only to this type of headache, but to all types of constant headache from bad matter, whatever it may be. With the mentioned type of headache and with similar ones, bloodletting from the jugular vein and blood-sucking cups on the lower legs often help. This is their method of treatment by bloodletting. If it is felt that there is a small admixture of yellow bile matter, then it is a good idea to remove it with medications that soften the nature and make the matter slide, which we mention in the paragraph on biliary headaches. In general, one should constantly soften the nature with a decoction of alcha, plum, lentils and majja, that is, mung bean, and the last two decoctions are given without grains. A person complaining of a headache should be fed with cooling dishes that generate cold blood, are somewhat dry, thick and astringent, for example, stew with sumac, pomegranate or lentils, adding vinegar to it, as well as tafshil. However, you need to be careful lest the nature becomes dry. When treating head diseases, it is often necessary to soften the nature. In such cases, the mentioned astringents should be balanced with the help of camel thorn manna, shirkhushk manna and everything that purifies and softens. The patient's food should give good chyme, it should be taken in small quantities, without being overfilled. When using watering and rubbing, use those that have a cooling property and do not have the ability to strongly but they are somewhat distracting and knitting. These are, for example, pomegranate juice, cold and astringent squeezed juices of fruits, leaves and roots, as well as flea plantain mucus with vinegar and staff juice

As for the treatment of headaches arising from yellow bile matter, if you observe even the slightest movement of blood, you should treat it by removing a small amount of it. Otherwise, start emptying with something like myrobalans, if there is no fever, and if there is, then with means that cause gliding, are not harsh and do not squeeze out juices too much, such as, for example, manna, fruit wine and the juices of field bindweed. They also evacuate with the help of a smoker and soft enemas. If the juices are yellow-billed, thick, or they are so absorbed into the membranes of the stomach that they are not ejected by vomiting and do not slip out from laxatives that cause slipping, then you have to empty fikra with scammonium resin using iyaraja, according to the mentioned recipes, or strengthen these laxatives and add them to the remedies causing slipping. Or empty it with a decoction of myrobalans, according to what you see in the Pharmacopoeia. Then you change the nature with the help of products that have cooling and moisturizing properties. They change either the nature of the whole body, prescribing various foods and drinks, or only the nature of the head, if the reason is rooted only in the head; then the treatment measures mentioned in the Canon are applied, and all the methods of using hot and dry disorders of nature are applied in accordance with the general causes of its heating and the general causes of its drying out.

Thick ointments that are useful for hot headaches include thick ointment with saffron - it also helps with insomnia.

Copy. They take saffron - seven mithqals, myrrh - two mithqals, squeezed juice of unripe grapes, kalkadis and gum - one and a half mithqals each, Yemenite alum - eight mithqals and kalkatar - five mithqals; These medicines are finely crushed, mixed with tart wine and made into flat cakes. When the need arises, one cake is soaked in vinegar diluted with rose water and brushed over the whiskey. For hot headaches during fevers, it is not advisable to use ointments that attract vapor to the head. It is cured by frequently sniffing vinegar and rose water into the nose.