Senile warts: diagnosis and treatment

The content of the article:
  1. Senile warts: symptoms and stages of development
  2. Seborrheic keratosis: diagnosis
  3. How to treat
  4. Indications for removal of seborrheic keratomas
  5. How to delete
  6. Prevention of senile warts

In the medical literature, senile warts are called verrucae in the plural and wart (verruca) in the singular. They are caused by infection with the human papillomavirus (HPV). However, senile warts are not related to those skin formations that appear on the human body after 40, since they are provoked not by a virus, but by other factors. The resulting papules are benign neoplasms, but in old age they can degenerate into malignant ones.

The growths are called senile warts or seborrheic keratosis, keratomas. People who have crossed the 50-year mark gradually undergo irreversible changes in their bodies associated with age-related processes. For example, the surface of the epidermis becomes too dry, the skin begins to lose its elasticity and ceases to be elastic. And if the level of cholesterol in the blood also increases, then the likelihood of the formation of seborrheic warts increases several times.

Scientists today are 100% unable to give a clear explanation of what factors provoke the appearance of such papillomas. However, there are certain reasons that contribute to the formation of warts:

  1. predisposition transmitted at the genetic level;
  2. the body’s susceptibility to seborrheic formations, this mainly concerns oily seborrhea;
  3. prolonged exposure to direct sunlight, especially for summer residents;
  4. lack of vitamins in the body of an elderly person;
  5. frequent consumption of animal fats and lack of vegetable oils in food.

Typically, senile warts do not cause pain and an elderly person may not feel the process of their formation. Initially, the papule occupies 1-3 mm of the skin, but over time such nodules tend to grow together into large tumors. Their localization is mainly observed on the torso; occasionally, seborrheic keratomas form on the face, lips, and oral mucosa. If such papillomas appear on the folds of the neck, they often look like papillae.

Senile warts: symptoms and stages of development

The photo shows senile warts on a woman's chest

The formation of papillomas occurs in four stages:

  1. The appearance of a spot on the skin. This area on the skin of an elderly person has a dark yellow or dark brown tint. It does not rise above the skin, and its surface is smooth to the touch. With age, if conditions favor their formation, the number of such spots begins to increase. This stage is usually recorded in people aged 50-60 years, but if there is a genetic predisposition, then earlier - at about 40 years. Especially if a person often sunbathes heavily and likes fatty foods.
  2. Formation of papilloma. On the surface of the epidermis, skin nodules form, the size of which is still very small. They only rise slightly above the skin, but their location completely coincides with the brown spots. Peeling on such neoplasms has not yet been observed, and the keratinized scales in the upper part of the wart are also not visible.
  3. Development of keratosis. This stage of the disease is characterized by the formation of a keratoma at the site of the formed skin nodule. This neoplasm already has the outlines of a classic age-related wart of brown or gray-brown color. The shape of such a papilloma is rounded or oval; it already rises quite above the surface of the epithelium - by about 1-3 mm. If you start scraping the scales from the surface of such a keratoma, they will come off, revealing the bleeding layer.
  4. keratinization. At this stage, keratinization of a senile wart is formed, which takes the form of a “skin horn”. Over time, such a growth, if left untreated, becomes very dense, hard and painful. The size of the formations can reach 1.5 cm. Gradually the sizes will only increase.

This classification of stages is followed in official medicine. However, some experts believe that senile warts and seborrheic keratoma are signs of various diseases.

Seborrheic keratosis: diagnosis

If it is necessary to identify a wart, a dermatologist can rely on the following factors, which make it possible to accurately make a diagnosis:

  1. the patient is elderly;
  2. there is a clinical picture that corresponds to the characteristics of seborrheic keratosis;
  3. there are no signs that the neoplasm is malignant;

In some cases, a biopsy of a piece of seborrheic keratoma tissue is prescribed, which makes it possible to verify the absence of cancer cells.

Important!!! If an elderly person has a formation on the skin that resembles a senile wart, it is recommended to consult a dermatologist, as you may miss the onset of the development of epithelial surface cancer. To treat papilloma, it is important to follow the recommendations of a specialist.

A dermatologist must distinguish between a senile wart and Clark's dysplastic nevus, which has a keratotic form. This disease is characterized by:

  1. the size of the pigment spot exceeds 0.5 cm;
  2. such a formation is an accumulation of melanocytes located inside the skin;
  3. can often degenerate into melanoma;
  4. can only be treated through surgery;
  5. The main cause of this disease is the proliferation of skin cells that produce pigment (melanocytes).

How to treat senile warts?

Since today medicine cannot accurately explain the origin of seborrheic keratomas in elderly patients, it is not possible to influence them. However, according to the observations of dermatologists, positive dynamics of treatment is observed in the following cases:

1. Patients use increased dosages of vitamin C, which is taken 5-6 tablets (or dragees) three times a day. This substance, having an antioxidant and immunostimulating effect, limits the formation of new spots or skin nodules. At the same time, already formed and keratinized keratomas do not disappear. However, it is important to remember that long-term use of increased doses of ascorbic acid is undesirable, as this can provoke gastritis and lead to the formation of kidney stones. After a week of taking vitamin C in such dosages, it is recommended to switch to a maintenance regimen and drink 2 tablets twice a day.

2. Lubricating emerging spots with hormonal ointments:

  1. Fluorocort. It should be applied 2-3 times a day, and the dose should not exceed 15 g per day. The price starts from 196 rubles.
  2. Flucinar. The method of application and dosage is the same as that of Fluorocort. The cost of the drug starts from 180 rubles.
  3. Akriderm. It comes in the form of a translucent cream, which is rubbed in 1-3 times a day. Its price starts from 98 rubles.
  4. Advantan. This ointment must be applied to the senile keratoma once a day. Costs from 36 rubles.

You can use other products that contain the same active ingredients. These drugs help to weaken inflammatory processes on the skin, reduce metabolism in the affected area and weaken the process of pigment production. However, long-term use of such ointments is undesirable - you should limit yourself to 2 weeks.

3. Avoid tanning. It is also necessary that the patient is not exposed to direct sunlight for a long time.

4. Introduce more fresh fruits and vegetables into your diet. It is also necessary to consume vitamin juices - apple, tomato, grape and others.

5. The diet includes a large amount of polyunsaturated (even refined) oils, for example, sunflower. It is also important to reduce your consumption of foods with animal fats.

6. Get enough sleep. In old age, you should not neglect sleep, which should last at least 8 hours a day.

7. Lack of stressful situations, especially in the work process. It is advisable for older people to move to a position that does not require much responsibility.

There are many folk methods for getting rid of senile warts at an early stage:

  1. For 10 days, it is necessary to lubricate the seborrheic keratoma in the morning and evening with the juice of freshly cut stems of sundew grass. This representative of the flora is insectivorous and the glands on the foliage secrete a sticky liquid that facilitates the digestion of caught insects.
  2. Moisten the wart with water, and then apply ammonia or thuja tincture to it.
  3. Make a chalk solution and spread it on the wart, then wrap it. Do this until the papilloma disappears.
  4. Willow solution (prepared with willow bark infused with vinegar). This product is used to apply compresses to the damaged area of ​​the skin.
  5. Celandine juice. It should be remembered that the substance is quite active, so a scar may remain in place of the papule and you will still have to seek medical help.
  6. If a large number of senile warts have formed, then you can use juice from dandelion stems, applying it to the papillomas twice a day. If there is only one wart, then you can make a compress and apply a bandage on top to fix it.
It must be remembered that traditional methods give a positive result only at the initial stage of a senile wart, when a dark spot has formed.

There are also drugs that stop the growth of senile papillomas:

  1. Castor oil, into which lemon juice is mixed. The ingredients are taken in equal parts and applied to the spots until the skin is completely cleared of them. Read about castor oil contraindications.
  2. Squeezed juice from red currant fruits helps remove age spots that have formed on the back. You need to lubricate twice a day.
  3. Since cholesterol levels in the blood increase in older people, it is recommended to take garlic pulp infused with milk before eating.
  4. Old folk recipes recommend the use of red viburnum juice. To do this, pour 400 g of boiling water into 3 tbsp. l. dried fruits. During the day, you need to drink this tincture 3-4 times. It is necessary to simultaneously lubricate the formed spots on the skin with the same composition.
  5. You can mix 30% hydrogen peroxide with Vaseline and apply it to papillomas for 2 weeks.

Indications for removal of seborrheic keratomas

The reasons why a specialist may recommend removal of senile warts are as follows:

  1. There is a suspicion of skin cancer. To do this, you should be examined by a dermatologist once a year and follow all instructions.
  2. If the patient has expressed a desire to get rid of the manifestations of seborrheic keratosis.
  3. When skin papillomas are constantly exposed to injury, for example, by rubbing against clothing.
  4. If a papule has formed on the surface of the face, and therefore brings cosmetic and psychological discomfort.
  5. The number of senile warts on the skin has increased.

How to remove senile warts?

The photo shows the process of removing seborrheic keratosis

The best methods recommended for the removal of seborrheic keratomas are currently recognized as:

  1. Laser coagulation. Many clinics use lasers because it is a relatively cheap method to remove skin tumors. The laser beam simply burns the affected tissue and it evaporates. In this case, local anesthesia is used. A small crust remains at the site of the keratoma, covering the indentation; it heals in about 14-30 days. When the crust falls off, only healthy epithelium remains in its place. Removal takes only a few minutes. In Russia, laser removal will cost from 140 rubles per papilloma; in Ukraine, the price starts from 400 UAH.
  2. Radio wave method using the Surgiton apparatus. The principle of the procedure is the same as for laser coagulation. The tissue of a senile wart evaporates under the influence of a directed wave. Local anesthesia is used. The price of the operation in Russia starts from 200 rubles, in Ukraine - from 385 UAH.
  3. Cryodestruction or freezing with liquid nitrogen. Liquid nitrogen is applied to the keratoma, it gradually turns white and dies. In rare cases, a small blister may remain at the site of the operation, which is opened in a short time. There is healthy skin underneath, but the mark will resemble a burn. If we talk about the price of the procedure in Russia, it starts from 500 rubles, in Ukraine it can start from 40 UAH.
  4. Electrocoagulation using high-frequency current. A metal “loop” cuts off the papule, no blood is released, and healthy tissue is completely disinfected. The price of the procedure in Russia starts from 500 rubles, in Ukraine - from 135 UAH.
  5. Surgical method. Using a scalpel, the surgeon excises the damaged tissue, but after the procedure, a whitish scar may remain at the site of the senile wart, as a cosmetic suture is applied. This method is the most traumatic and also requires more time for the operation itself and the recovery period. The cost of such an operation is quite high, since it is performed by a surgeon. The price in Russia starts from 3,000 rubles, in Ukraine prices depend on the location of the papilloma and the starting price is 500 UAH.

Prevention of senile warts

In order to prevent the formation of large formations on the skin, it is necessary to adhere to preventive measures:

  1. Over time, an older person should reduce their time in the sun. This is especially true for people who are genetically predisposed to seborrheic keratosis.
  2. Twice a year, in spring and autumn, it is recommended to take a course of vitamin complexes.
  3. Introduce a variety of dishes containing greens, fruits and vegetables into your diet.
  4. Drink fortified and freshly squeezed juices.
  5. Avoid fatty foods and lead a healthy lifestyle.
  6. Rest more and try not to be stressed, both at home and at work.