Treatment of bloody diarrhea without abrasions

You already know that such diarrhea occurs due to a disease of the whole body or the liver, stomach, upper or lower intestines and anus, and you know the signs of this. In case of bowel movements with pus or similar to wine grounds or meat slops, it is treated by using the liver, correcting its nature and opening blockages; the previous regime consists of protecting the body from overflow and from the causes that could cause it. If there is no pain with diarrhea and you assume that it is caused by a disease of the whole body or the liver, and the patient’s strength does not decrease, then do not delay it. If you are concerned that excessive flow may cause abrasions or weakness, open the blood and remove the excess in the direction opposite to its natural movement, and then use astringent hemostatic agents. In the case of bloody diarrhea due to rupture of blood vessels in the intestines - sometimes it quickly leads to the formation of abrasions - attention should be paid to retaining it and deflecting the excess in the opposite direction if there is strong and significant overflow. Know that fixatives for drinking are more suitable for diarrhea due to disease of the upper intestines, as well as adjacent overlying organs, and enemas work better if diarrhea is caused by disease of the lower intestines; if the organs lying in the middle are sick, then it would be most correct to combine both methods of treatment. All of the previously mentioned cold astringents and adhesives stop bleeding, especially if they contain alum and ground bloodstone, as well as dragon's blood, amber, coral and pearls, used as a drink or enema.

There is often a need for numbing agents, and sometimes they have to be strengthened with substances that have strength along with astringent properties. Significant strength is inherent in cakes made from pomegranate flowers, which belong to the category of drinking medicines; sorrel seed cakes and bloodberry cakes are among the remedies we prepared. The squeezed juices of plantain, flea plantain and salsify are very useful for this disease, especially if you add the mentioned simple medicinal substances to them; from flatbreads, those mentioned above help. The following remedy is also beneficial: take apples, quinces and dried roses - half a ritl each, and boil them in five ritls of water until one and a half ritls remain; then the decoction is filtered and the same amount of rose oil is added to it, after which the whole thing is boiled in a double vessel until the water disappears and the oil remains; This oil is used with medicines for drinking.

Enemas are fixed from the mentioned squeezed juices or from water in which known astringents were boiled; Medicines that were boiled in it are also added to the decoction. The fatty substance in enemas is goat kidney fat and good, strong rose oil. We mention these enemas in the Pharmacopoeia and talk about them also when talking about abrasions in the intestines; You should choose from them safe and moderate enemas, which do not include sharp drugs and sharp lozenges; We will also present some of them here.

A good enema, compiled by us: they take pomegranate peels, large plantain, Constantinople horns, oatmeal from jujube fruits and rice oatmeal - each for eight dirhams, and also take two unripe ink nuts, pomegranate flowers and roses - both for four dirhams. All this is poured with manna of water, counting as small manna, and if the liquid is the juice of the “shepherd’s staff,” so much the better. Then the mixture is simmered over low heat until about one-third remains, and filtered. Or they take half a dirham of alum, dragon's blood, acacia, bloodwort, pomegranate flowers, squeezed salsify juice, calcined gum, tin white, burnt shells and Armenian clay - each for a dirham, rose oil - six dirhams and melted goat kidney fat - six dirhams - who if he wishes, he can add more opium, from one to one and a half danaks - and they make enemas from this composition. If the purpose of the enema is to stop the bleeding, then there is no need to thicken its composition with adhesives like rice, millet and the like; when it is placed for the treatment of abrasions or for the sake of both, then thickening turns out to be necessary. Care should be taken to ensure that no air gets into the enema.

The strong candles for this case include the following: take acacia, gum arabic, henbane seeds, opium, tin white, Armenian clay, amber and unripe galls in equal quantities; all this is ground and mixed with a hot medicinal decoction and then the composition is turned into acorns. As for bleeding from the anus, it is enough to use the following medicines against it: take equal quantities of lead oxide, pomegranate flowers, tin white and burnt shells and apply to the sore spot, having previously washed and cleaned it. If you have done all this, but the disease persists and the bleeding does not stop, then you inevitably have to tie the patient’s arms under the armpits with a tight bandage, strongly rub his limbs and, if this happens in the summer, put the patient in cold water, and in winter - keep him in the cold air. He should be given cold water to drink and cold and cooling squeezed juices should be poured over his internal area, and he should also be given a hemostatic drink such as thickly brewed juice of unripe grapes, thickly brewed rhubarb juice and similar juices cooled with snow.