Treatment of papilloma with sea buckthorn oil: recipes and tips

The content of the article:
  1. Description of sea buckthorn oil
  2. Beneficial features
  3. Contraindications for treatment of papillomas
  4. Recipes for products with sea buckthorn oil
  5. Results of treatment of papillomas
  6. Reviews of sea buckthorn oil

Sea buckthorn oil for papillomas is a popular, universal and affordable remedy that is widely used in the medical industry. It is natural and safe for human health and, due to its low cost, is very common in the treatment of HPV and formations that appear as a result of its activity.

Description of sea buckthorn oil

In the photo, sea buckthorn oil for papillomas

Sea buckthorn oil is an oily liquid of bright orange color with a red tint, with a strong taste and smell. It has a liquid consistency and loose texture, and does not dissolve well in water.

Most often it is obtained by extraction with chemical solvents or liquefied carbon dioxide. Sometimes this is done by separating the juice of the fruits of the sea buckthorn bush or macerating their skin and pulp with olive or sunflower oil.

Sea buckthorn is a shrub or small tree of the Sucker family. It grows from 1 to 10 m in height, with a thin trunk and branches. The plant is widespread near water bodies, on sand and pebbles, but is often found in the mountains. In Russia it can be seen in large quantities in Siberia. The fruits from which the oil is made are edible.

Sea buckthorn oil against papillomas is sold on the market on tap, in supermarkets, where it is available in bottles, or in a pharmacy, where it is offered in darkened glass bottles with a volume of 10 to 100 ml.

The product may contain any other oils or be pure. In the latter case, it becomes thicker in the refrigerator at low temperatures.

The minimum price of sea buckthorn oil is 82 rubles per 100 ml.

Manufacturer Volume, ml price, rub.
Kamelia NPP, Russia 100 172
Altai bouquet, Russia 100 81
Wifitech, Russia 50 219
Adaptogen, Russia 50 115
Altaivitamins, Russia 50 170
Important! For papillomas, sea buckthorn oil can be taken orally only if the packaging contains information about this method of administration. Cosmetic products marked accordingly are not intended for this; they can only be used externally to treat tumors.

Beneficial properties of sea buckthorn oil for papillomas

The oil contains vitamins A, E, K, and also contains phospholipids, oleic, linoleic, palmitoleic, palmitic and stearic acid. These substances endow the product with good moisturizing and regenerating properties, which help get rid of skin tumors in a safe way.

The beneficial properties of sea buckthorn oil for papillomas include:

  1. Moisturizing. Sea buckthorn oil allows you to soften the formation from the inside, making its root more mobile. Thanks to this, the papilloma either disappears on its own, or it can be removed without pain or bleeding at home.
  2. Regenerating. This property speeds up recovery after removal of the growth, eliminates injury to the skin, the appearance of pain, blood and scars.
  3. Anti-aging. In addition to removing the formation, you can slow down the aging process of the skin, smooth out existing wrinkles, nourish it with moisture and eliminate flaking.
  4. Anti-inflammatory. Treatment of papillomas with sea buckthorn oil guarantees the absence of redness, irritation, and swelling in this area. This helps eliminate existing tissue inflammation, which occurs quite often with skin tumors.
Note! Sea buckthorn oil eliminates papillomas because it affects the entire structure of the formation.
  1. Read about the beneficial properties of wormwood oil for papillomas

Contraindications to the treatment of papillomas with sea buckthorn oil

If planned take the medicine internally, then this cannot be done in case of acute gastrointestinal diseases - gastritis, colitis, pancreatitis, etc. It is also not recommended to treat papillomas with sea buckthorn oil in patients with pyelonephritis. It is not indicated in the presence of large stones in the urinary tract and bile ducts. In this case, the drug can lead to clogging of the lumen, an increase in bilirubin levels and, as a result, yellowing of the skin, nausea and heartburn.

The only contraindication for external use of ordinary sea buckthorn oil against papillomas is individual sensitivity to it. It is for this reason that before large-scale use of the product, you must first apply a small amount of it to the crook of your elbow and see how the skin reacts. If there is no redness, irritation, peeling, or inflammation, this will indicate the absence of an allergy.

When it comes to using essential sea buckthorn oil for papillomas, then it should not be used to treat the skin on the face in the eye area. Contact of this product on the mucous membrane can lead to severe burning, inflammation and redness. It is also not suitable if there are open wounds on the surface and a large number of pimples. This option will not be the best for those with sensitive skin, which is usually irritated by any aggressive products.

It is not recommended to use essential sea buckthorn oil to get rid of papillomas and for dermatological diseases that appear on the face. This remedy can aggravate the situation and lead to exacerbation of dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis, urticaria, and cold allergies.
  1. Read what contraindications exist for using soda for papillomas

Recipes for products with sea buckthorn oil for papillomas

In the photo, sea buckthorn oil for papillomas with lemon juice

To suppress the activity of the papilloma virus, sea buckthorn oil is recommended to be consumed orally. This should be done every day for 2 weeks, 2 tbsp. l. per day. The optimal time for this is morning and evening, 30 minutes before meals. It is not advisable to drink the product with water, as this may reduce the effect.

We offer good recipes for folk remedies for papillomas with sea buckthorn oil and other ingredients:

  1. With burdock oil. Combine it in equal quantities with sea buckthorn oil and wipe the formation with this composition 2-3 times a day. Carry out this treatment for at least 10 days. After each treatment, wipe the skin dry and wipe with a clean damp cloth.
  2. With lemon juice. Add it (10 drops) to warm sea buckthorn oil (50 ml). Shake the mixture well, dip a cotton pad in it and place it on the formation. Secure the compress with sea buckthorn oil against papillomas on top with a band-aid and leave for an hour, then remove it and rinse off the product. Perform these steps once a day, preferably before bed. Treatment should be carried out for at least a week.
  3. With potato juice. Mix it in equal quantities with sea buckthorn oil, soak a cotton pad in this mixture and wipe the areas with papillomas that need to be removed. Then dry them with a clean cloth. Carry out this procedure 2-3 times a day. See more recipes with potatoes for papillomas.
For uterine papillomas, sea buckthorn oil is used together with a tampon. It is soaked in the product and carefully inserted into the vagina, leaving for 14-16 hours. Before this, you need to douche with warm, boiled water or chamomile infusion. Such procedures should be repeated daily, a total of 8 of them should be performed.

To get rid of the growths themselves, you can make compresses - moisten a piece of gauze folded in half in a clean product and apply it to the growth for 30 minutes. The optimal number of procedures per day is no more than 2; of course, you can do one, but then you should leave the product on for at least an hour. To fix the compress you will need to use a bandage and adhesive tape. Treatment should last about 2 weeks.

If for some reason the papilloma does not come away from the skin on its own, you can try to carefully remove it with a patch. This is only allowed if it does not stick to the surface very well. To get rid of it, you need to stick adhesive tape over the formation and gently pull its edge. Before this, it is advisable to steam the skin well, this way you can eliminate painful sensations and speed up the process.

Note! Sea buckthorn oil can be used after surgical or physiotherapeutic removal of papilloma. A piece of gauze should be soaked in it and left under the bandage for 8 hours or overnight.
  1. Read how to use salicylic acid for papillomas

Results of treatment of papillomas with sea buckthorn oil

The photo shows the results of treating papillomas with sea buckthorn oil - before and after

In the first days after treatment of the formations, their surface becomes softer. By this time, the growths on the legs are no longer adjacent to the skin so tightly, which increases the likelihood of them getting caught on clothing.

About a week after the start of treatment with sea buckthorn oil, the papilloma becomes lighter, and after some time it disappears on its own or is easily removed by the person himself using tweezers.

After removal of the formation, a slight swelling often remains in its place. The treated area becomes red, and slight itching and irritation may occur. To eliminate such consequences, problem areas can be lubricated with a moisturizer or the same sea buckthorn oil. After 1-2 months, not a trace remains of the formation.

For papilloma, sea buckthorn oil, taken orally, helps reduce the number of formations on the face and body. This does not happen immediately, but after several months. This product also helps reduce the likelihood of new growths appearing.

  1. Don't want to use traditional methods? Then read reviews of Dermavit for papillomas - it’s reliable and proven!

Reviews of sea buckthorn oil against papillomas

As reviews of sea buckthorn oil for papillomas show, this remedy is safe and effective for treating such formations. It can be used by almost everyone, and results can be obtained fairly quickly. Therefore, most opinions about this product are extremely positive.

Christina, 32 years old

At the age of 30, I was diagnosed with cervical papillomatosis, and the doctor advised me to take a 10-day course of compresses with sea buckthorn oil. To do this, I used a regular pharmacy tampon, which I soaked in the product and inserted into the vagina. I kept him here for 10-12 hours every day, after which I washed him well. I was examined by a doctor 5 days after the start of treatment, he said that the condition had not improved significantly, but still several formations became less noticeable. After 7 days I came for a second appointment with the doctor, and then they told me that there was an improvement, the number of papillomas had decreased. Just in case, after 3 months I repeated the course of therapy. The procedure for using sea buckthorn oil for papillomas is painless and there is no discomfort. For greater effect, it is better to slightly heat it in a water bath or a radiator, but I do not recommend using it hot, you can get burned.

Elena, 52 years old

I have many papillomas on my body, but while the ones on my neck, face, legs and arms don’t bother me, the one located on my stomach, near my navel, on a leg, constantly clings to my clothes. I was tired of always tearing it off in fear of tearing it off, so I began to lubricate it with sea buckthorn oil, in addition to this I used lemon, onion and potato juice. The treatment took a long time, and it was not possible to get rid of the formation immediately; it took more than 2 weeks to do so. Now in its place the skin is clean and does not stand out on the stomach. I didn’t take sea buckthorn oil internally against papillomas, I tried it, but I didn’t like the taste, it was somehow sharp, unpleasant, to the point of nausea. My attending physician was categorically against the use of folk remedies, but it was they that helped me, not pharmaceutical drugs.

Alexander, 39 years old

I suffer from numerous papillomas on my back, I tried to get rid of them with celandine, but it takes a very long time to help. I replaced it with sea buckthorn oil, I ask my wife, she wipes the formations every day with a swab dipped in it. It’s been 10 days since the start of treatment, I’m not very happy with the result yet, practically nothing has been removed, only some growths have fallen off. It seems like I’m doing everything right, however, I’m not using pure sea buckthorn oil for papillomas, but diluted sunflower oil, maybe that’s the problem. I'll still try to switch to a clean one. I took the product from the pharmacy, it is inexpensive, it is sold everywhere, the skin reaction to it is normal, there were no consequences such as redness or inflammation.

Watch a video about the benefits of sea buckthorn oil:

Using sea buckthorn oil against papillomas is a safe and cheap way to get rid of these formations at home. This option is suitable even for small children in the absence of contraindications. Doctors themselves prescribe this remedy to their patients, but it will only be beneficial if it is used correctly, according to the instructions.

  1. Find out whether it is possible to remove papillomas with honey