Treating diarrhea caused by blockage

Diarrhea due to blockages most often occurs periodically, whether due to a disease throughout the body or due to a blockage in the liver or a blockage between the liver and stomach. Errors include increased blockage with astringent medications. On the contrary, you should use emptying to help remove blockages, and when the passages are cleared, open medicines should be directed to the site of blockages in order to open them. Sometimes, when opening blockages, there is a need for strong laxatives, which draw out the thick juices that cause blockages, and for strongly distracting and opening enemas. According to the testimony of Hippocrates, vomiting is useful when it occurs by itself. It is best for those suffering from this disease to eat their food not at once, but in several meals; Each time you should eat your due share of food and then take a break. The food should be followed by substances that facilitate its rapid passage and the opening of blockages. According to Galen, fudanji works best when given before meals before the mithqal, and when the food is digested, it is given again for about half a dirham. It is very good to take old strong liquid wine after meals; Teryak is also a very useful thing. When the food is properly digested, you should go to the bathhouse. As for rubbing, it should be done constantly before and after meals; if the body is weakened, then you have to vigorously rub your back and stomach with rough rags. Sometimes it is necessary to lubricate his body with zift and substances that cause redness. You already know about opening blockages, and do not let the exhaustion of the patient’s body keep you from doing this, for when you heal, open the blockages and remove the blocking juices, food will begin to penetrate the body, there will be no more diarrhea and the patient’s body will become stronger.