Treatment of indigestion in the presence of matter and treatment of blockages in the stomach

It is necessary to recognize by the state of the matter whether it has been absorbed into the stomach, as water is absorbed into a sponge, or has been absorbed and gone deeply, as tightly adhering paint is absorbed into the fabric, going into it, or whether the matter is sticking to the stomach or pouring into its cavity; Some doctors call such matter “floating.” It is also necessary to determine where matter comes from, in what place it originates and from which side it pours out. If matter originates in the stomach, then they set themselves the goal of healing the stomach and eliminating the cause that gives rise to matter; if it pours into the stomach from another organ, for example, from the brain, gall bladder, liver or spleen, then the matter present in the stomach is removed and the condition of the organ sending matter to the stomach is corrected; At the same time, the stomach is strengthened so that it does not accept what is poured into it.

Often matter is poured into the stomach during hunger, “when the attracting force moves strongly in the stomach, and the expelling force remains mowed, and the stomach accepts juices that it does not accept at other times. Such people cannot tolerate hunger and often fall from hunger in fainting. Then it is necessary that food precedes the outpouring of matter, and the food should have a strengthening effect on the stomach. It also happens that matter is poured out only during mental movements, for example, with strong anger, grief and other experiences. The burning sensation in the stomach that occurs in such people stops , only if they vomit. If matter descends from the brain, grated white pepper with water and bitter wormwood help; sabur is of little use. As for the Iyarajas, they have a strong effect against this disease, for they contain strong solvents and cleansing medicines; these medicines have already been spoken of before.

Combinations of phenomena that complicate treatment include such a combination when the stomach is hot and the head is cold. In this case, against the matter descending from the head, for example, falafili and medicine from pulegium mint are needed, but they harm the substance of the stomach.

When matter pours out of the liver, then treatment requires agents that soften the nature and remove liquid and bile juice, such as cheese whey with myrobalans and scammonium resin. Bloodletting sometimes diverts matter from both of these organs at once. Stomach strengtheners should also be given. Soft medicines should be given before meals, and astringents after meals, as we will say in a specially designated place. When matter pours out from the spleen, it is treated as we say in the paragraph about “canine” appetite. You already know that sharp, burning juices often flow to the mouth of the stomach and this causes fainting and convulsions; sometimes their outpouring leads to the disappearance of the pulse. Such juices are sometimes black gall. You must strengthen the mouth of the stomach with astringents and fragrant dressings so that it does not accept substances that seep into it. As for cold medicines used in the treatment of fever and fevers, these are, for example, kasb, quince, sukk, squeezed juice of unripe grapes and blackberry branches, and from oils, rose oil. As for hot medicines used in cases opposite to those mentioned, these are myrrh, saffron, sabour, mastic. wormwood, incense, sumbul, and from oils, for example, spikenard oil and mastic oil.

Often the cause of the accumulation of matter in the stomach is not its pouring into the stomach, but the retention of drugs that cleanse it for emptying; in such a case, it is necessary to remove the accumulated matter, open a path for its flow and direct it along this path from the stomach, without removing any juice from there other than the way it goes during emptying. If this is difficult, then remove the floating food and what is close to the mouth by vomiting, and the juices located on the opposite side by laxation. But if the juice is all liquid in composition and has been absorbed and gone deep into the stomach, then it is best treated with sabur; washed sabur is more suitable for strengthening the stomach, and unwashed sabur is more suitable for cleansing it, because if you wash the sabur, its emptying and cleansing properties are weakened, but iyarajas are more suitable than both, since they contain substances that correct the stomach, help it and prevent harmful effects . Pure iyaraj, not mixed with honey, is especially good, because iyaraj mixed with honey, although it causes greater relaxation from various sides, since it cleanses the stomach more strongly, but its strengthening effect is less. The fact is that honey weakens its power both in terms of strengthening and cleansing if the stomach does not obey it. After the patient drinks Iyaraja, he should deliberately walk a little, but he should not change his routine because of Iyaraja. Sometimes the disease goes away with one dose of iyaraj; if there is a loss of appetite or nausea, then a red rose is placed in iyaraj instead of saffron. If you find a burning fever in a patient, then do not use iyaraja, for it often increases the disorder of nature, especially if the doctor mistakenly thinks that there is matter in the stomach, but there is no matter there. In general, iyaraj is a very useful medicine against bile juices in the stomach, especially with a decoction of wormwood.

Prescription of easy iyaraj for such a case. Take fragrant rush inflorescences, balsam tree branches, hoofed grass and Chinese cinnamon, one part each, and six parts of sabur. If you do not want to cause a strong emptying and strive only for moderate cleansing, then add one and a half parts of each medicine.

Among the tested pills that help in this case are the following pills: take sabur dirham, yellow myrobalan and roses, half a dirham each, and mix with squeezed chicory juice; A quince laxative, prepared from quince, sugar and scammonium resin, also helps. Sometimes they limit themselves to one danak of scammonium resin and give it to drink in three ukiyah dugs with the foam removed; The scammonium resin is left in the arc for some time so that it mixes well with it. The laxative julanjubin is of great benefit in this case, as is the smoker, especially with bile matter; A decoction of wormwood, tamarind, plums and laxative rose wine are also useful, especially in summer. Cheese whey with myrobalans and a small amount of scammonium or sabur resin works great when you want to remove yellow gall matter.

Here is a good Galenic medicine: take five dirhams of Rumian wormwood and twenty dirhams of real red rose and boil it in two ritles of water until half a ritl remains; This composition is given to drink as it is, or with a small amount of sugar. Sabur is a suitable remedy for emptying the stomach, but scammonium gum causes suffering to the stomach and is contrary to its nature. Do not dare to use it unless absolutely necessary.

When such juices accumulate, bloodletting is sometimes beneficial if there is a fullness of the stomach due to the movement of juices to the vessels and to the limbs, and a passage is formed for the juices accumulated in the stomach into which they rush. They also tried giving them iyaraj with a decoction of wormwood; this is an excellent remedy. They tested quince medicine of this kind: they take quince pulp baked in dough, three uqiya, saffron and bitter wormwood, one and a half darakhmi each, mastic tree flowers and eight darakhmi each, knead it with fragrant wine and consume; This medicine strengthens the stomach, which is in this condition, and does not allow it to accept hot juices.

Here is another proven remedy: take ten dirhams of wormwood, five dirhams of Chinese cinnamon, three dirhams of balsam tree branches, three dirhams of sumbul, two dirhams of fresh rose petals, two dirhams of aloe tree, three dirhams of mastic, boil all this in a large amount of water until it will not be enough with a rittl or less, filter it and infuse it with sabur.Drink one uqiya daily until signs of health appear.

If the juice is flowing, not viscous and not thick, then it is useful to induce vomiting with radish juice, sikanjubip, water sweetened with honey, barley water mixed with hot sikanjubip, and other mild emetics; acting in the same way; sometimes it is possible to induce vomiting with just hot water or water with vegetable oil, or one hot olive oil, or one sikanjubip with hot water. Hot water with a little honey washes away the matter and sometimes promotes its natural eruption by vomiting, and sometimes causes it to come down. Often, the accumulation of such matter is treated by relaxation using the means we mentioned above, if vomiting does not give the desired result or the matter tends to go down to the bottom of the stomach. If you want to cause relaxation with iyaraj in the presence of such matter, then give the patient the day before, after the bath, to drink barley water.

Sometimes the amount of burning juice is insignificant; in such cases, eating barley oatmeal with pomegranate juice eliminates suffering from it, because oatmeal absorbs and dries, and pomegranate juice strengthens the mouth of the stomach, and the stomach does not accept harmful juice. If the juice is thick, then the correct method of treatment is to tear off this juice and thin it with tearing and thinning drinks and tearing medicines such as sikanjubin, sour gravy, mustard, capers, olives, and also apply thinning medicinal dressings. Then they induce relaxation with medications that remove such juice. If you induce vomiting and then relax, it will be correct. If the matter does not obey and cannot be torn off, then vomiting should be induced with stronger means, for example, a decoction of emetic nut, mustard and pepper.

Here is a medicine that removes mucus in vomit: crushed safflower core is diluted with dill juice, poured with laurel oil and given to the patient to drink. Or they dip a feather in it and induce vomiting. When the stomach is cleansed, use means that balance its nature, and warm it carefully so that no other matter arises in it, and if, in the presence of such matter, you want to cause relaxation, then give it a drink the day before, after the bath, chickpea water; this should be done frequently. Bathing in the water of hot springs, traveling and increased movement are beneficial for such patients. There are people who usually have a lot of mucus accumulated in their stomach. Then they use leek with beets and mustard, and the patient gets better, since these medicines break up the substance of the juice or the person becomes weak; if the mucus is sour, then drink iyaraj with sikanjubip and use medicine from pulegian mint. Laxative medicines that work well for thick juices of this kind are spice pills, large sabur pills, ustumahikun pills and sabur in si-, kanjubin with seeds from among the strong seeds, prepared with honey.

Iyaraj against thick juices. Take six parts of celery seeds, the ends of the stems of wormwood, anise, three fennel seeds each, white pepper, myrrh, hoofed grass one and a half parts each, bush, Rum sumbul, kachim two parts each, mastic, saffron one part each, sabur eight parts. The composition is turned into pills and drunk every day, one pill weighing one bowl, this gently cleanses the stomach. But often stronger iyarajas are required.

One of the remedies useful for such patients, especially after preliminary cleansing of the stomach, is jam from Kabul myrobalans, wormwood wine and ginger jam, and the most suitable food for them is broth from larks or sparrows, but not from chickens, because the substances of chicken meat are slowly digested and take a long time remain in the stomach. Know that small salted fish dries the stomach and absorbs from it all the wet excesses of the species containing iron from the mine, or water in which hot iron has been extinguished many times is good for a wet stomach; Sea onion sikanjubin also helps a lot. Quince sikanjubin works well with hot juices, and quince with ler and ginger works well with thick and cold juices.

The recipe is to take one part of squeezed quince juice, the quince should be very juicy and not very tart, and, with a cold stomach, honey, and with a hot sugar, one part and good strong vinegar, that is, wine vinegar, half a part. The composition is thickened over low heat and removed from heat; if it is desired that it has a stronger and more beneficial effect on the stomach of a cold person, then add ginger and pepper to it. One of the means to help dissolve thick juices in the stomach is to hug a boy without clothes who has not reached maturity, but is close to it.

Sometimes two juices of opposite quality accumulate in the stomach, and the juice that is absorbed is, for example, liquid and bile, and the juice contained in the stomach cavity is thick; then treatment should be directed against the most dangerous of them.

If the juice that causes suffering is hot and burning, and because of it there are fainting and convulsions, then use the remedies we mentioned in the paragraph on fainting and convulsions, but first of all you should quickly let such patients swallow a little warm water; if they vomit these juices, the malaise will go away. And if the harmful juice is black gall and flowing, then a decoction of pulegian mint with honey and a decoction of wormwood with wild pulegian mint helps. One of the useful remedies is to knead a dough of alum, calcadis and burnt copper with honey and place it on the stomach area. During severe attacks of the disease, a sponge soaked in very hot vinegar should be placed on the stomach area. If the juice is cold and wet, then limit yourself to warming and dissolving agents and do not introduce into them substances that dry out with their astringent properties, because this is very dangerous, no matter whether it is medicine or food. But sometimes matter causes harm not because it is spoiled;.., but due to its abundance. In order to fix. Damage from it, they use astringent medicines and foods, taking nothing into account.

As for the treatment of stomach tumors, we will devote a separate paragraph to this in the future, as well as to the treatment of wind and bloating; when treating the thinness of the stomach tissue, warming and astringent medicinal bandages are applied to the area. which we mentioned and, especially, incense dressings suitable for the heart and for the pneuma. They also use aromatic and astringent juvarishps, such as khuz Iranian juvarishi made from cardamom and other remedies that we mentioned in the paragraph on the treatment of coldness and moisture in the stomach. Light and delicate foods should be given and fed in several doses, without burdening the stomach or immediately filling it with drink. The patient should not move after eating and drinking, and after eating, he should drink old, strong, slightly tart wine, taking it little by little. As for the treatment of blockages that form in the passages close to the stomach and leading to or from the stomach, for example, in the passages into the stomach from the spleen or from the stomach to the liver, they are treated with opening agents like iyaraja and bitter wormwood, and for the push, A blow or fall is treated with the pills mentioned in the Pharmacopoeia, which include amber and sweet clover.

A medicinal bandage is useful for this. Take boiled Syrian apples, disintegrating from cooking and finely crushed, fifty dirhams and mix with ten times the amount of incense, eight dirhams of roses and six dirhams of sabur. From all this, prepare a dough using the squeezed juice of cowwort and cypress leaves, add iris oil, heat the mixture and tie it on the stomach area for several days.