Treatment of loose tumor

As for emptying and abstaining from substances that generate mucus, this is a necessary thing, and when emptying is done, the swelling should first be dispersed with drugs that are both drying and dissolving. The sore spot should be rubbed firmly with handkerchiefs and then drying medications should be applied; the water should not touch it.

One of the good remedies at the beginning of the disease is to apply new sponges to the sore spot, moistened with vinegar diluted with highly dissolving oils, or soaked in water with bavrak or with ash; The substance of sponges has the ability to dry and dissolve. The more the disease intensifies, the stronger the vinegar is made, in which the sponge is immersed, and in the period of extremes it is prepared to be extremely strong; the vinegar on the sponge is used either alone or in a mixture with highly solvent oil.

At such times, sponges are also used, moistened with water and the ashes of figs, vines, oak or something similar, and the sponge should cover the tumor on all sides so that the matter does not deviate in the other direction.

Sometimes, instead of sponges, if they cannot be found, rags are used, folded in two layers and moistened with water and ash; if you apply them constantly, one after another, it often has an effect, and water with nura turns out to be even stronger. Rose oil with salt and burnt sulfur also helps, by the way; sulfur itself is an excellent remedy. Chickpeas with cabbage juice are very healthy; Horned poppy, alone or with some hot, drying medicines, is good at the beginning of the disease. Tightening with bandages is beneficial for those tumors that do not contain thick matter; When applying such bandages, you should start from the bottom and work your way up. Myrrh juice is an excellent remedy at the beginning of the disease, and later it is also good if you mix a medicine with it; If such a tumor has formed in a dense organ rich in nerves, or in ligaments, or in tumors, then add to the medicines something tearing off and at the same time softening. When pain occurs from a tumor for the reason that has already been mentioned, then you first need to soothe the pain, for example, with lanolin, maybukhtaj or wax ointments with olive oil, and pour with black astringent wine, and then drink water with ash or something else. something like that.

Here is one of the good ointments: take myrrh, khudad, syti, sabur, saffron, akakiya and a little Armenian clay and mix it with vinegar and cabbage juice; Tamarisk leaves with salt, olive oil, Armenian clay and vinegar in the form of a dressing are also good. In case of swelling, which is preceded by pain, they take mud from the walls of the bathhouse, boil it and thicken it with nura, which they put in until the composition becomes like loose dough, and spread it on. They also lubricate the sore spot with olive oil, or place a sponge or woolen rag soaked in vinegar on it and tie it. Medicine with sourdough is also beneficial.

Here is another useful remedy: take iris leaves, boil until soft, squeeze and apply the juice to the sore spot. This is a wonderful medicine. Alum with khudad, crushed in vinegar or water with ash, also works; One of the strong and useful remedies is cow feces. Frankincense, maya, ushna, sweet cane, sumbul and wormwood are all beneficial, as are all the medicines for such tumors mentioned under the heading of tumors and named in the Pharmacopoeia. With swelling of the feet that occurs in pregnant women, sometimes this remedy helps: reed flowers, from which brooms are made, are immersed in vinegar and applied to the swollen area. They work best if they are crushed first.

Kimolos clay with vinegar and alum also helps well, and water from cabbage or dill decoction or a decoction of citron peels can be used as an irrigation. Puffiness that accompanies dropsy or other diseases is eliminated by treating their cause.