Treatment of creases and tears

With this phenomenon, in many cases it is impossible to do without bloodletting, and on the contrary, representatives of the medical art are in a hurry to do this, even if the patient’s body is clean. If the bloodletting is done and constrictive bandages quickly applied to prevent the accumulation of matter, then nothing occurs that requires serious treatment, and the disease is suppressed by cooling and squeezing, or one of these. But if this was late and the blood quickly rushed into the spaces between the separated tissues and you are afraid of the damage mentioned above, then for treatment it is necessary to remove this blood so that it does not interfere with the restoration of continuity in its previous form. If it is possible to cause the resorption of the blood by loosening the pores by pouring hot water or something similar, or by using the measures we mention for treating the beaten, as well as medicines that disperse dead blood, and oils that eliminate exhaustion, or by giving things inside that promote resorption, then so be it. do and limit themselves to this. Medicines that disperse the blood or contribute to this are, for example, Judean bdelium, bush and centaury with sikanjubin, so that sikanjubin also helps this by thinning the blood, and weak medicines that disperse dead blood are barley flour with lanolin and white wheat flour mixed on the water. As for strong medicines, this is mountain mint with oatmeal, especially if there is a wound on the head, and in general all medicines that relax the tissues due to slight warmth, slightly dissipate and sometimes slightly dry, strongly dissolving and drying act too quickly and dissolve the liquid part of the blood, and thick blood is blocked by its drying effect, which also clogs the pores. Such measures in most cases eliminate worries if the discontinuities are close to the skin, and they are superficial and not deep, but if this is not the case and the violations are numerous, deep and far from the surface, then an incision cannot be dispensed with, and the situation then is as follows: as with tumors and bad ulcers. The condition of the patient in this case is not similar to the state of a beaten person, because in a beaten person the matter is drawn to the skin and the skin is in the way and ulceration, but here the violations are deep and distant and therefore rebellious, so it is necessary to use strongly attracting cups and incisions. Often the situation is even worse, and the organ begins to swell greatly from the outside and collect pus. Then suppuration should be caused as soon as possible, so that what has accumulated in the wound turns into pus. As a result of suppuration, the pain will calm down, and the festering matter will resolve. After all, such a tumor will fester in any case, and if the matter from treatment festers faster, then it will be

Sometimes suppurative medicines dissipate the tumor without suppuration, especially if innate warmth and sufficient pore width contribute to this. Keep in mind also the medications mentioned in the paragraph on falls and impacts.

As for the dressings used for crushing, when describing them, they say: if crushing or crushing occurs, then apply a dressing, and the dressing on the damaged area should be very tight. Move the bandage up a considerable distance, that is, to the liver area, and down only a little. Do not increase the bandages and dressings and do not keep them for too long, because it is necessary for the dead blood to be absorbed. The bandage should be moved further up so that matter does not flow towards the damaged area, and the further it rises, the weaker it should be. And let it be a thin, dense rag, so that it can be tightened tightly and so that continuity is quickly restored in the bandaged area. The diseased organ is lifted upward, as is done for bleeding.

This treatment, that is, bandaging, should be applied before the organ becomes swollen, for if the organ is swollen, it tolerates only moderate bandaging and does not tolerate strong pressure. Therefore, in such cases, medicinal bandages and constant pouring with hot water are applied. As for cones that arise from crushing, they are treated by applying lead to them so that they do not grow or enlarge. Sometimes such cones burst and fall apart.