Treatment of abrasions and ulcers in the intestines

You should not make mistakes when treating abrasions: sometimes it does not require powerful means, and their use leads to death. Often, strong cooling in itself and the use of, for example, watermelon, lettuce and purslane are sufficient for healing; if you use an enema that contains cauterizing drugs, then death will follow. Ulcers or abrasions in the upper intestines should be treated, as you already know, with drinking medicine, in the lower intestines with an enema, and in the middle with both methods. Then, first of all, it is necessary to establish what is the cause that caused abrasions and ulcers in the intestines: do they come from an effusion or is the cause more ancient and lies in a rupture, overflow or still existing tumor, or is this cause hidden and its effect has ended and ceased, but a mark remained in the form of an abrasion or ulcer. We have already taught signs of this.

If those causing the disease continue to pour out, then take measures to stop and cut off the outpouring with the help of means. If there is an urgent need for emptying due to the poor quality of juices, perform it carefully and with caution. Try to choose a laxative medicine that is not very harmful to the marks of abrasions and ulcers, for example, myrobalans, and correct other medicines by adding to them, say, the same myrobalans, cumin, tragacanth and similar substances. If you manage to force the patient to abstain from food for two days, so that the body becomes emaciated, losing what pours out of it, do this, and when you want to feed the patient, feed him with milk heated with hot stones or boiled as was said earlier, in your place; it will also serve as a medicine. As for the nutrition itself, if it is needed and when weakness appears, the food should be insignificant in volume and clearly strengthening. These are the liver of fat chickens, a little unleavened white bread, rooster testicles, eggs boiled more than soft-boiled, but less than hard-boiled; Sometimes hot fried fish is helpful. A very good food is legs of mutton with toasted rice, boiled in fresh milk, if you suck them. The strength of patients should also be supported by thickly boiled fruit juices; the dishes discussed in the first article of this part are also useful for them. They should be given only calcined Andaran salt, and they should not drink wine, except in cases where there is no fever; then you can drink dark astringent wine in small quantities; The water should be drunk cold. It is not good to start treatment immediately with pure medicines, which irritate with their astringent properties and are rough and scratchy.

If the pain intensifies, then, if necessary, they resort to adhesive substances so that they serve as a cover and spread out on the surface of the sore spot. In this case, all astringent drugs mixed with adhesives are useful, unless corrosion occurs; then we often have to use cleansing and cauterizing agents mixed with drugs that dry without burning. Seeds and anything else given to a patient with abrasions should be given to drink in cold, not hot water. Rhubarb has amazingly beneficial properties against intestinal ulcers and mucous diarrhea, especially if taken with something like plantain juice and a little old wine. Roasted acorns and Constantinople horns also have significant healing powers, both mixed with each other and separately. Rose seeds work excellently; we have tested them ourselves. Some say that if at the beginning of the illness the patient is given four dirhams of gum with cold water, his illness will go away.

As for printed clay, it is very useful for all kinds of abrasions, even corroded ones, if you give it to drink, and after cleansing the corroded ulcer from dirt - with the help of one of the enemas we mentioned. It is also good to use an enema of printed clay with squeezed plantain juice or “Samosa star” and squeezed purslane juice. Other beneficial remedies include squeezed juice of unripe mulberries, horsetail herb as a drink, and squeezed rose juice as an enema or drink. Some doctors name "magpie's foot" among the medicines that help in this case, but I think it's "crow's foot". They say that Hippocrates, when he mentioned the “magpie’s foot,” meant fig leaves, but this remedy is not suitable for this case. It is beneficial for such patients to drink hare rennet; cheese from which the salt has been removed in the manner mentioned in the first part of this article helps them a lot.

If abrasions occur in the intestines due to the medicine taken, then useful things include the use of an enema with ghee and dragon's blood - from one to three dirhams of dragon's blood are added to thirty dirhams of oil. Among complex medicines, the cold lozenges and powders that we mentioned help such patients. It’s good, by the way, to sprinkle on bread, take and wash down the following remedy with water: take cowrie ash - four parts, galls - two parts and pepper - one part; All this is ground, sifted and given one dirham after the meal with cold water. Filunia is also useful for such patients if taken with cold water.

As for enemas and suppositories, which are good in this case, they are the same as enemas and suppositories, useful for any bloody diarrhea in general, if at the beginning of the disease you add adhesives and astringents, and at the end, if the disease has led to corrosion, - cleansing and cauterizing; The patient should not use anything other than astringents and adhesives until the ulceration of the intestines disappears and their surface is cleansed. Some doctors say that it is impossible to administer akakiya in enemas if there is no blood associated with this ailment, but this is by no means true. Then, if the ulcer has left behind a wound, drying and astringent agents should be used together with adhesives and fatty ones, and then, at the end of the disease, if it has led to corrosion, cleansing and cauterizing agents should be used.

Some people add a small amount of falidikun to squeezed juices and safe enemas and this brings great benefits. However, if necessity does not call for the use of pungent or sour substances, it is better not to use them; when necessary, you should first move on to acidic substances and then to pungent ones. But if necessity and corrosiveness require it, then do not be afraid even of falidikun and use it as much as you need. Sometimes, if the patient cannot tolerate acute enemas, it is good to start with numbing drugs and then use acute enemas. With regard to these acute enemas and arsenic enemas, there is a fear that they may tear off, one after another, the intestinal lining, and perforation will occur. As a result, you should rush to use them as soon as it becomes clear that the ulcer has become malignant, and not delay it until there is a threat of perforation due to the expansion and deepening of the ulcer. Know that goat fat is superior to all adhesives added to enemas: it cools, soothes the burning sensation and quickly hardens on the sore spot. Goat fat is also one of those remedies that are needed at the onset of the disease; when it comes to suppuration, you need to cleanse the ulcer and then use stronger medicines. In this case, it is necessary to avoid fats and adhesives that form a barrier between the medicine and the sore spot.

If you are convinced that the ulcer has become dirty, then clean it with something like water sweetened with honey; Salt water, water in which salted olives have been soaked, and a decoction of salted fish have an even stronger effect. In case of suppuration, one cannot avoid such remedies as arsenic cakes, the use of which is mandatory when the ulcer has passed the period of freshness and nothing can delay its development. Know that enemas with fatty and adhesive medicines soothe the pain of those who have corroding ulcers in the intestines, but do not cure the ulcer. It is cured only by enemas that deliver medicines to the corroded area that are useful for corroding, those that wash and at the same time dry and bind. When making cakes from medicines, they should not contain a predominance of adhesive and fatty substances, which would act as a barrier between the medicine and the corroded area. Medicines that are useful for corroding sometimes cause pain and suffering, but this should not be taken into account.

Know that after cleansing with acute enemas, you must then apply healing enemas prepared from astringents and adhesives; This is done when you are sure that healthy meat has appeared in place of the ulcer. If there is fever, weakness and corrosiveness at the same time, and there is fever and you do not dare to use, for example, arsenic cakes in their pure form, then you need to dilute them in the juices of such astringent and cold in nature fruits and plants as the juice of unripe grapes, sumac and rhubarb, rose water and the like; then the composition is dried, repeating this several times, and consumed. Sometimes it is inevitably necessary to add henbane and opium cakes, or first apply something that causes numbness, and give the patient a little praiseworthy food. The largest quantity of these flatbreads per reception is from half a dirham to two dirhams. In some cases, it is best to dilute the cakes in infusions of some cooling and astringent substances, for example, lentils or acorn peels; this promotes the formation of a scab on the ulcer. Among the remedies that are both useful and at the same time aggravating pain are enemas of arsenic cakes with salt water, used when secreting very thick pus.

Sometimes for patients suffering from fever and weakness, who have increased sensitivity so that they cannot tolerate acute enemas, the following treatment is sufficient: first they are given an enema of water sweetened with honey, and then, after four hours, an enema of salt water. Then the patient should be given printed clay mixed with vinegar diluted with water, and this will cure him. As for the method of using enemas, they should be done little by little, several times. If the burning sensation intensifies, this can be corrected with the help of rose oil, from which an enema is given. Enemas used to stop bleeding and stop bloody diarrhea have a different composition and are close to enemas that stop normal diarrhea; For these enemas, cakes are sometimes also prepared, consumed with the juice of the substances contained in them.

Let us now mention the recipes for enemas, as well as the suppositories and lozenges included in the enemas. Among the light enemas used for this disease and for acute diarrhea is an enema of plantain juice in pure form or with lozenges, which will be mentioned below. An enema is also made from unleavened white bread dissolved in squeezed juice. Light enemas also include an enema of barley water, almond oil, egg yolks and strained rice broth with the kidney fat of a one-year-old goat, in which printed clay was placed, or an enema of rice broth, fried and boiled with fat; Sometimes pomegranate peels and galls are added to the decoction. An enema made from an infusion of oatmeal with printed clay is also useful; in extreme heat, an enema of the squeezed juice of pumpkin peel, purslane, large plantain, “shepherd’s staff,” myrtle berries and lentils, from which the water has been drained twice, helps; these squeezed juices are mixed and rose oil, white lead, Armenian clay, akakiya and tutia are added to them; if opium is required, then it is also added, depending on the need and the condition of the patient. Among the tested remedies is the following enema, which helps with abrasions: take almonds, pomegranate peels, galls, sumac, blackberry leaves and wild carob roots; all this is boiled with wine until thick, then filtered and ground with some kind of cakes used in enemas; Myrtle oil is also added.

As for candles for abrasions, the main substances for them are myrrh, frankincense, saffron, sandarac, alum, maya, beaver stream and opium, if available, as well as khudad, burnt papyrus paper, dragon's blood, burnt antler, Kimolos clay and other clays similar in action to it, kalimiyya, lead oxide and the like; sometimes vitriol is also needed. Candles against abrasions and zahir: take myrrh, frankincense, saffron and opium and mix with egg white, or take sandarak, maya, myrrh, saffron and opium and mix it all with the juice of a large plantain, or take opium, beaver stream, gum and khudad and mix it all with the squeezed juice of a large plantain.

Sometimes similar substances are used to prepare plasters with rose oil and white lead. They are also used on a rag or a piece of cotton paper, which is inserted into the anus using a probe; Having inserted the probe, it is turned so that the medicine lays down in an even layer and stays in place.

And medicinal cakes for enemas against abrasions are, for example, “star” cakes and arsenic cakes against corrosion, which should be stored in grape marc so that they do not lose their strength, and cakes made from burnt papyrus paper. These include the following: they take burnt paper ten dirhams, burnt arsenic of both types, copper scale, Yemenite alum, galls and quicklime for twelve dirhams; from all this they prepare cakes with the squeezed juice of a large plantain, weighing four dirhams each; a child is given one dirham, and an adult is given a whole flatbread.

Other flatbreads: take sumac, pomegranate-colored calyx, sucutan - and this is one of the types of tenacious food - pomegranate-colored, unripe grape berries, kalkanda, kalkatar, burnt tin and ismid - one part each, and verdigris - half a part; Flatbreads are made from all this.

Strong cakes: take lime, potash, acacia, galls and arsenic, boil them for several days in vinegar and prepare cakes. They are so strong that sometimes it is enough to administer them in an enema with the juice of a large plantain.

Regarding medicinal dressings and ointments that help with this disease, it must be said that these are the same dressings that are mentioned in the paragraph on the treatment of diarrhea in general. We tested an ointment made from “star” cakes with myrtle juice and it turned out that it was very helpful.

If the pain does not calm down, then put the patient in a bath of water in which well-known astringents were boiled with a small amount of dill, fenugreek and marshmallow. When thirst and melancholy intensify, as happens with abrasions of yellow-bilious origin, prescribe boiled raib with a decoction of barley oatmeal, both cooled. If the pain intensifies so much that the patient becomes close to fainting, then it is necessary to resort to means that cause numbness, but first, without delay, do an enema with goat fat and a decoction of barley oatmeal. Sometimes the pain calms down and the disease goes away due to the balancing of the juices; if it does not subside, then treat it as you know. If you want, do the following enema at this moment: take a decoction of barley and rice intestines, goat kidney fat, rose oil, gum arabic, white lead and egg yolks and mix it all in one bowl. If you want, add opium to this composition and then use it. For abrasions from mucus, it is necessary to begin treatment with medicines that tear off mucus, expel mucus and get rid of it, and nourish the patient with similar substances, also feeding him salted fish, sour seasonings, mustard, beets, murree and gravies with vinegar; seasonings should be prepared, for example, from pomegranate seeds, spiced raisins, mustard and mucus removers. If the patient eats a lot of unripe roasted dates while eating them and first takes some kind of medicine close to hot ones, for example, Khuzistan medicine or falafili, he will benefit from it.

One of the doctors said that a patient with ulcers in the intestines was helped by opopanax, which he was given every day with rue, then fed with fried unripe dates; They did this for several days, and he recovered. It appears to be the same type of remedy. They also say that one man treated chronic dysentery in a way that either kills or gets rid of the disease in one day: he fed the patient bread with sharp onions and almost did not give him anything to drink all day; the next morning he would do a hot salt water enema, followed by an enema with stronger drugs than the healing enemas. If the patient can endure the pain from such treatment, he recovers, and if not, he dies. An enema for such a case is, for example, the following: take marjoram, cumin, salt, fresh bay leaf, alum, rue and medicinal sweet clover - one ukiya each, and two cysts of olive oil; this is boiled in olive oil until one third of the oil remains, then the oil is strained and used in an enema. An enema of rice water with salted fish is also useful for such patients.

Wax ointment prescribed for diseases of this kind: take fleshy dates - two and a half ritle, mastic - one ukiyya, fresh dill - six ukiyya, sabur - one ukiyya, wax - ten ukiyya, wine and rose oil - in sufficient quantities. For mucous abrasions, watercress is sometimes added from medicinal seeds, especially if the patient feels chills and if the mucus is glassy. For abrasions of black bile origin, they are first treated for black bile and disorder of the spleen, in accordance with what we said above, elsewhere; After such health treatment, clay powders are beneficial. Rice enemas also help, in which aromatic spices and seeds are placed, both hot, emollient, and cooling, astringent; add rose oil and egg yolk to them. Food for the sick should be such that good blood is born.

If the ulcer is malignant, then an enema of Andaranium salt solution cannot be avoided, which should then be followed by the use of strong cleansers so that healthy flesh appears. After this, they are treated with healing enemas. A cleansing enema can be, for example, an enema that includes three parts of Arabian acacia and two parts of black hellebore; they are boiled in water with Andaran salt. If this does not help, then the patient is treated with arsenic lozenges. As for abrasions from feces, they are treated with agents that soften the nature - soft, greasy, adhesive and slippery. The best food is, for example, the yolks of soft-boiled eggs, broth from an old rooster, and isfidbaj broth made from tender, fattened chickens. Enemas are used as softening enemas made from adhesive and slip-inducing squeezed juices with rose oil, egg yolk and similar substances. If abrasions do not heal for a long time, it is useful to take flaxseed, flea seed, horehound seed and marshmallow seed along with mucus and give the patient all this to drink before eating. Such a remedy, causing slipping, at the same time soothes pain and glues. And let the patient eat plums before meals, they sometimes stop this disease.

For abrasions that occur after taking medications, it is useful to drink the above-mentioned cooling and adhesive drugs. Roasted tragacanth, which is drunk one and a half dirhams or more, with olive oil, also helps. It is very useful in this case to do an enema with good fresh ghee, to which a little good-quality dragon's blood has been added. For some types of biliary abrasions, cow's tripe broth is useful, but this remedy is not a general one.