Lefort-Neugebauer Operation

The Lefora-Neugebauer operation is a surgical procedure that is used to treat various diseases of the vagina and cervix. It was developed in the 1950s by French gynecologist Lefort and German gynecologist Neugebauer.

This surgery involves making an incision into the vagina and cervix, removing scars and adhesions, and restoring normal organ structure and function. The operation can be performed either openly or using laparoscopy.

The main indications for Lefor-Neugebauer surgery are:

– Uterine prolapse
– Scars on the cervix after childbirth or surgery
– Endometriosis
– Obstruction of the fallopian tubes
– Prolapse of the uterus

The operation is usually performed under general anesthesia and takes about 2-3 hours. After surgery, the patient may experience pain and discomfort for several days, but these symptoms usually subside within a few days.

Lefora-Neugebauer surgery has a number of advantages over other treatment methods. It helps restore normal structure and function of the vagina and cervix, which can improve a woman's quality of life. In addition, this surgery may help prevent the development of cervical cancer and other diseases.

However, like any other surgery, Lefora-Nuegebauer surgery may have some risks and complications. These include bleeding, infection, organ damage, scarring, and others. Therefore, before surgery, it is necessary to carefully assess the patient’s health condition and choose the optimal treatment method.

Lefora-Negeibauer is an operation on the genital organs performed when the integrity of the pelvic organs is violated.

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For this purpose, an incision is made in the muscles in the perineum and cervix. As a result, normal organ anatomy is restored, infection is eliminated, scar tissue is excised, and muscle tone is regenerated. The operation can be performed simultaneously with the treatment of paraproctitis, where the perineal tissue is also excised and delimited from adjacent anatomical structures. In gynecological practice, laparotomy is performed for lumboperitoneal endometriosis and atypical birth trauma (classic - cervical ruptures with rough tissue). This can be done for both therapeutic and diagnostic purposes. In the latter case, the study is carried out