
Leukotoxin is a toxic biological substance that is produced and accumulated by leukocytes (blood cells specialized in the immune response).

In the event of a threat of infection upon contact with a pathogen, leukocytes secrete a special protein, muropexin, which dissolves in the body and acquires the ability to destroy other cells, attacking a foreign organism.

Leukotoxens remain at the site of cell death and, in the process of metabolism, begin to release into the blood not only proteins, but also products of cellular breakdown (enzymes, fatty acids, amino acids, monosaccharides, etc.) They activate the activity of the immune system, attract nearby leukocytes and promote their reproduction and accumulation. In addition, leukotoxin suppresses the hemostatic system and blocks the processes of connective tissue regeneration.

Source - https://medicalj.ru/diseases/infectious/4374-leykotoksiny