Leucotomy Transorbital

Leuktomy Transorbital: Surgical intervention on the Brain by cutting the Inferior Supraorbital Bone

Transorbital or prefrontal cortex leuktomy is a surgical procedure aimed at improving or eliminating certain symptoms and conditions caused by disorders of the cerebral cortex. In this case, a specific type of damage to the frontal cortex is corrected and its normal function is restored, which can significantly improve the quality of life of patients with certain diseases associated with the front part of the brain, including depression, aphasia, tremor and other neurological conditions when medications do not

**Leucotomy** is a surgical procedure in which an incision is made in the skull to improve or alleviate some brain problem, such as getting rid of a tumor or removing a cyst. It can also be used to treat some mental disorders such as bipolar disorder and schizophrenia. However, this operation remains dangerous and its use should be greatly limited.

The _Transorbital approach to leucotomy_ is the most common and easily accessible type of leucotomy. It is performed through an incision right around and partly behind the eye. In most cases, this approach is less invasive than other types of surgery but requires additional precautions. Transorbital surgeries can cause serious complications, so they are performed only in cases where other treatment methods do not give the desired result or are too complex.

One of the frequently asked questions is whether anesthesia is necessary for transorbital surgery? It all depends on several factors, including the amount of work that needs to be done, the age and health of the patient. Typically, a transorbital leukotomy is performed under general anesthesia, which means you will be asleep during the operation. Painkillers may also be used if the patient is suffering from severe pain or anxiety.

In addition, the risk of complications is also an important factor in the decision about anesthesia. Among these, the most common are infections, bleeding, damage to nerves and blood vessels, and blurred vision. If you are concerned about possible risks, it is recommended