Leukemia Lymphoid Chronic

Chronic lymphoid leukemia is a tumor disease of the hematopoietic system, which is characterized by the proliferation and degeneration into malignant cells of various types of lymphoid tissues. A more accurate name for this pathology is lymphocytic leukemia.

Lesions of the peripheral nervous system. As the disease progresses, the number of abnormal lymphocytes in the bone marrow increases significantly, they displace normal ones, and can also lead to the destruction of red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets. It is worth knowing that chronic lymphoid leukemia is the most common oncohematological diagnosis. Neoplasms of this type occur in both children and adults; they prevail among all cases of oncohemoblastosis in men, accounting for about 85% of all cases of hemoblastosis.

The disease was first described in 1840. Thanks to the constant exchange between infected and “healthy” people, the chronic form of leukemia always circulates among people, preferring groups of cancer-unprotected people, often children.

Etiology of the disease Chronic lymphocytic leukemia can sometimes last for quite a long time without any symptoms or manifest itself at the stage of development of various diseases, for example, infections. The disease is a myeloproliferative disorder and occurs due to chronic irritation of immune system cells and damage to lymphatic tissues like the thymus throughout the body. In the chronic form, the rate of reproduction of blood cells increases, the ratio of biologically active substances in tissues is disrupted, and functional liver failure develops.

Stages of development of CLL Modern scientists identify several stages of development of this disease: * According to Bossick’s clinical classification, there are several dozen pathological stages of CLL, which arise against the background of disruption of natural metabolic processes in the body. For example, stage 0 or less does not raise suspicions about the presence of the disease, since it does not manifest itself clinically. However, it is worth considering that at the initial stages the development of the tumor process is never detected. Most cases are diagnosed accidentally during a medical examination, regular examination by a gynecologist or venereologist, or during other medical procedures. Doctors