Medicines for dry safa

An old, strong CDFA requires a sharp medicine that would corrode it until it reaches healthy meat, and then it is treated with a plaster for ulcers, for example, a celandine plaster with lead oxide, vinegar and olive oil, and a less strong one is treated in the same way as the chronic safa mentioned above is treated earlier variety. Moisturizing the body with appropriate foods, medications for nasal congestion and other means also helps.

A good medicine for dry and wet safa. They take bitter almonds and mustard oil - half a skurraj, vinegar - uskurradzhu, paste of the horned maca and the Gauls - three misqals of both, lykiya - a misqal, greater celandine, bavrak - half a miskal of both, grind the medicines, mix vigorously by rubbing with oils and vinegar and are used against all safa, jarab, lice, lichen, hair loss, fox disease and dandruff.

Balkh ulcer is a type of malignant sap, and is often caused by a bite, for example, of a harmful mosquito. Its treatment is similar to the above treatment.

The medicine we have compiled is strong, tested and very useful. Take equal parts of aristolochia, verdigris, usshak, bdellium, mustard and vitriol, bind with wheat oil with the same amount of vinegar, adding a little honey, and consume.