Medicines that heal and close wounds

You already know the natural properties of these medicines and you also know that the powders made from them should not be as strong as the substances included in the patches. Now you should know that these medicines should not be used when the surface of the hard meat is completely level with the skin, and as for wet meat, wet meat is sometimes compared to the skin and even goes higher, but it is such that when it dries, it sinks . No, such medicines should only be used on meat that, when dried, remains at the same level, and this is a thing that can only be determined at random. Therefore, healing medicines should be used before the growth of meat in those wounds in which meat grows reaches such a level, because healing medicines also sometimes increase the volume of meat,

until the wound heals, and at the same time the natural force increases, so that the meat passes beyond the level of the skin. Therefore, the medicine must be such that when it has dried and done its work, the nature has time to build up the required amount of meat, and the healing one has also achieved its goal in terms of healing. Then both actions will coincide and produce enough new meat and skin so that the wounded surface is leveled. If you do not keep this in mind, then the mark of the ulcer will almost be higher than the skin. And when using closing medicines, you must first use them wet, but then, when the time for closing approaches, use them dry, aiming the medicine at the wound with the end of the needle.

Such medicines are, for example, bast of cypress tree with wax ointment of rose oil or myrtle oil, dry ratiyanaj, burnt pumice, copper scale, crushed incense, lead oxide, centaury, some roots and burnt bones are also good. Burnt aristolochia is a powerful healer, as are alum, unripe galls and fig leaves. Hippocrates is said to have called them magpie's foot, but it seems that he meant by this the grass called crow's foot.

The feces of a dog that eats bones and the feces of a lizard are also good, but only the latter tears off more strongly than the first, and it has to be weakened with astringents. The roots of the blue iris, the phloem of the opopanax root and tutia are also useful here. Among the wonderful medicines that increase the flesh in swollen ulcers with a hot nature are sandalwood, water lily and sabur, especially in the anus and genitals.

Sometimes these medicines include vitriol and kalkatar, although they belong to substances that eat and reduce meat, they often heal if the wound is very wet, especially when they are burned and their healing property becomes no less than what is eaten. If you wash them, they will be all the more capable of healing.

As for verdigris and very corrosive medicines, they are suitable for this only with strong treatment and for some very wet wounds and ulcers, burnt copper, if washed, also heals well.

And when they want to prepare a plaster, they require stronger medicines, among the healing ones, for example, potassium, especially burnt, as well as burnt kalkatar, lead litharge and lead white, and as for the method of their preparation, it is lead oxide with lead whitewash is diluted in vinegar and then consumed, and kalimiyya is ground - it is best to burn it - and mixed with these medicines along with kalkatar. At the same time, they give myrtle oil with vinegar or astringent wine to drink, to which, if the wound or ulcer is very wet, sometimes burnt vitriol, pomegranate flowers or galls are added.

Description of linen plaster. This is an excellent, wonderful remedy, and its recipe is as follows: take a clean, washed linen rag and pound it until it turns into dust or powder. Then they take highly astringent olive oil or myrtle oil, add a little galbanum, which is diluted in oil, pour crushed rags into the composition and prepare a plaster. This is a wonderful tool

The black patch also sometimes builds up the meat, and if you want it to build up more, put a fret in it. a, opopanax and aristolochia, taken in equal parts, so that their total quantity is equal to the weight of the four components of the plaster.

Description of light powder. Take lead white and lead oxide - part by part, lead scale, rye and galls - half a part each.

Another powder. They take burnt shells - twelve parts, small pomegranates that fell from a tree and dried up, and kalkadis - sixteen parts of each, burnt deer antler, pumice, kalimiyya, ratiyanaja, iris root - four parts each, crushed incense, bast with pine tree - six parts each, pomegranate peels, white lead, alum - eight each and galls - one part and a powder is prepared from all this.

Another powder. They take madder, burnt bones, lead oxide - two dirhams each, incense, sabur - three of both, anzarut, horned poppy - one dirham each and prepare the powder.

Another powder. Take equal parts of white lead roses, pomegranate flowers, rose seeds, and alum.

More powder. Take equal parts of iris root and opopanax root, aristolochia - two misqals, and crushed incense - one misqal.

Description of a plaster for wounds on the body of old people. They burn barley and prepare a wax ointment from it with rose oil or myrtle oil and white lead.