
Lexir: a narcotic analgesic for pain control

Lexir (international name - Pentazocine) is a narcotic analgesic that is used to relieve severe pain. This drug belongs to the group of morphine-like analgesics and is produced in Hungary by Gedeon Richter A.O.

Lexir is often used in medical practice to treat pain of various etiologies - from post-operative pain to pain due to cancer. It acts as an opioid receptor agonist, blocking pain impulses in the nervous system.

The drug is available in pill form, which makes it easier to take. Among the synonyms of Lexir we can distinguish such names as “Fortvin” and “Fortral”.

However, it should be noted that Lexir is a narcotic drug and can cause addiction. Therefore, its use should be carried out only under the supervision of a physician and in strict accordance with the recommendations and instructions.

In general, Lexir is an effective drug for combating severe pain, which can only be prescribed after consultation with a doctor. It is important to remember that self-medication can be dangerous and lead to negative health consequences.