
Lem: an anti-inflammatory drug from the oxicam group

Lem (meloxicam) is an anti-inflammatory drug from the oxicam group, produced by the Russian company Obolenskoye Pharmaceutical Enterprise. It is widely used to treat various inflammatory and degenerative joint diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis and arthrosis accompanied by pain.

Lem comes in the form of tablets containing 7.5 mg or 15 mg of meloxicam each. The active substance - meloxicam - has anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antipyretic effects.

However, like many other anti-inflammatory drugs, Lem has a number of contraindications and side effects. Contraindications to the use of Lem include hypersensitivity to meloxicam and other NSAIDs, gastric ulcer in the acute stage, severe liver or end-stage renal failure, pregnancy, breastfeeding and adolescence under 15 years.

Among the side effects that may occur when using Lem may be dyspepsia, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, esophagitis, gastroduodenal ulcers, constipation or diarrhea, flatulence, dizziness, headache, ringing in the ears, drowsiness, swelling, increased blood pressure , palpitations, increased creatinine and/or urea levels in the blood, anemia, leukopenia, thrombocytopenia, photosensitivity and allergic reactions.

You should also consider the possibility of Lem interacting with other drugs, which may increase the risk of adverse reactions and complications. For example, Lem may increase the risk of bleeding when used simultaneously with indirect anticoagulants, ticlopidine, heparin and thrombolytics, as well as increase the toxicity of methotrexate and cyclosporine.

It is important to remember that the use of any drug should be carried out only after consultation with a doctor and strictly in accordance with his recommendations. Lem has its own indications and contraindications, so you must follow all the doctor’s instructions and not exceed the recommended dose.

Overall, Lem is an effective anti-inflammatory drug that can help treat a variety of joint conditions. However, like any other drug, it has its contraindications and side effects, so its use should only be done under the supervision of a doctor. If you experience any unwanted effects or unusual symptoms while taking Lem, you should contact your doctor immediately.