Leskol El

Leskol EL: an effective lipid-lowering agent for cholesterol control

Lescol EL, also known as Fluvastatin, is a pharmacological drug used to lower blood cholesterol levels. Belonging to the group of lipid-lowering drugs, Lescol EL is an inhibitor of HMG-CoA reductase, the enzyme responsible for the synthesis of cholesterol in the body. The drug is manufactured by the pharmaceutical company Novartis in Switzerland and is available in the form of retard film-coated tablets containing 80 mg of the active substance - Fluvastatin.

Leskol EL is used to treat primary hypocholesterolemia, mainly types IIA and IIb, when diet therapy does not give the desired result within 3-6 months. The drug lowers cholesterol levels in the blood, which helps prevent the development of cardiovascular diseases associated with high cholesterol.

However, before using Leskol EL, contraindications and restrictions must be taken into account. The drug is not recommended in case of hypersensitivity to its components or in the presence of acute pathological processes in the liver. You should also be careful with increased concentrations of liver transaminases and creatine phosphokinase of unknown origin, diffuse myalgia, as well as severe renal failure, liver disease, alcohol abuse, pregnancy, breastfeeding and in children and adolescents under 18 years of age.

When using Leskol EL, side effects are possible, such as dyspeptic symptoms, nausea, insomnia, abdominal pain, flatulence, headache and toothache, hypoesthesia, increased transaminase activity and myopathy.

You should also consider possible interactions of Leskol EL with other drugs. Some drugs, such as beta blockers, may increase the effect of Lescol EL, while others, such as cyclosporine and the immunosuppressants gemfibrozil, niacin and erythromycin, may increase the risk of developing myopathy. Rifampicin may reduce the bioavailability of Lescol EL, while cimetidine, ranitidine or omeprazole may increase it.

To prevent an overdose of Leskol EL, you must follow the recommended dosage and consult your doctor before starting treatment. In case of overdose, seek medical attention.

In general, Lescol EL is an effective lipid-lowering agent for controlling blood cholesterol levels. However, self-medication is not recommended, and the use of the drug should be carried out under the supervision of a physician, who takes into account the individual characteristics of the patient and evaluates the benefits and risks of treatment.