Myocardial Fatigue Ladder

The myocardial fatigue ladder is a phenomenon that occurs as a result of prolonged exposure of a strip of myocardium to electrical current. This phenomenon was first described in the 1950s and has been the subject of cardiac physiology studies ever since.

The ladder of fatigue is a stepwise increase in the symptoms of fatigue of the myocardial strip, starting with minor changes in contractility and ending with a complete stop of cardiac activity. At the same time, each step of the ladder reflects a certain level of fatigue, which may be associated with changes in the structure and function of the myocardium.

In the experiment, an electric current is applied to the heart muscle, which stimulates its contractions. With prolonged exposure to current, the muscle begins to tire and loses its ability to contract. As a result, there is a stepwise increase in signs of fatigue, which can manifest itself in the form of a slower heart rate, decreased force of contractions, increased ventricular filling time and other symptoms.

Each level of the fatigue ladder is associated with certain changes in the heart muscle. At the first stage, there is a slight decrease in contractility, which may be associated with changes in cell membranes or a decrease in the amount of contractile proteins. At the second stage, a more significant decrease in contractility occurs, which may be caused by damage to myocytes or impaired sarcomere function. At the third stage, cardiac activity completely stops, which indicates irreversible damage to the heart muscle.

Thus, the myocardial fatigue ladder is an important phenomenon in cardiac physiology and allows us to study the mechanisms of fatigue and damage to the heart muscle under experimental conditions.

The myocardial fatigue ladder is a phenomenon that was discovered in the 1950s by Russian scientists. It represents a stepwise increase in signs of fatigue of the myocardial strip (heart contractility) in experiments under the influence of long-term stimulation with pulsed electric current.

The myocardial fatigue ladder is an important tool for studying the cardiovascular system and its regulation. It allows you to assess the mechanisms underlying myocardial fatigue and its recovery after exercise.

In animal experiments, various stages of the myocardial fatigue ladder were identified. At the first stage, there is a decrease in the contractile function of the myocardium, but there are no visible changes in its structure yet. At the second stage, changes in the structure of the myocardium begin, which can lead to the development of ischemia and disruption of the heart. At the third stage, irreversible changes occur in the myocardium, which can lead to its failure.

The myocardial fatigue ladder is of great importance for understanding the mechanisms of the development of heart failure and developing methods for its treatment. It can also be used to evaluate the effectiveness of new drugs and treatments for cardiovascular diseases.

Thus, the myocardial fatigue ladder represents an important tool for studying the cardiovascular system, its regulation and the development of new treatments for cardiovascular diseases.