Let's Honor Together

All parents know the important role reading plays in a child's development. This activity is traditional, but it has always fascinated children. Studies have shown that a child who is read to a lot begins to read independently faster. Some children love to return to the same book again and again. Others prefer variety.

If your child is learning to read and write, try to take turns reading the same book with him. Choose good children's literature whenever possible - consult a librarian, teacher, or look through brochures and other information sources about the best books for children. It is necessary to select publications that are appropriate to the child’s age, well written and colorfully designed.

Such literature stimulates the child's imagination, and if the book is truly interesting, it will bring pleasure to you too. When your baby begins to read on his own, don’t stop reading aloud to him. Even children who have already mastered literacy well love to be read to before bed.

If the child, being carried away, cannot stop, then bookmark several pages ahead in advance and stop reading when you reach this point.