Summer Snowballs

Summer Snowballs: How Two Imaginative Children Keep Winter in Their Hearts

Among our friends there are two children who not only love winter, but live it all year round. Their imagination and creative approach to outdoor games amazes everyone who knows these little artists. In winter, these children make not just snowballs, but real works of art from snow. They form snowballs of various shapes and sizes, creating snow castles, sculptures and even entire cities from them.

But what to do with these creations when winter ends? Two little artists found a way out of this situation. They decided to save their snowballs until the summer to bring the winter magic to life on hot days. The kids wrapped their snowballs in plastic bags and placed them on the bottom of the freezer. Thus, they keep winter in their hearts and are ready to revive it in their games at any time.

And then the long-awaited day comes when one of the children remembers these snowballs and brings them into the fresh air. Children start playing with pleasantly melting snowballs, which seem to welcome them with a cool, refreshing summer breath. Snowballs melt on the palms, spreading over the fingers, but at the same time leaving unforgettable memories of winter and winter games in the soul.

This story shows that children's imagination knows no bounds and that even an ordinary snowball can become a source of inspiration and magic. We, adults, should learn from these little artists and learn to preserve in our hearts those moments that seem special and important to us. After all, this will help us maintain joy and a creative approach to life at any time of the year.