Leukemia Promyelocytic

**Leukosis ppm** is a severe and extremely serious condition of the body for health and life, provoked by the development of malignant tumors in white blood cells, which indicate the healthiest red blood cells.

A disease such as procerebellar leukemia is today rare and the most aggressive of all the variety of such conditions. Most of the morbidity is related to leukemia. Like most blastic diseases, leukemia causes a significant number of deaths.

At its core, promyloviral leukemia is characterized by rapid spread throughout the body, causing severe discomfort and other unpleasant sensations. The disease can cause coma and death.

A long delay in treating this condition increases the risk of the body developing such painful complications as immunodeficiency.

**Causes of occurrence**

In a word, this type of disease is accompanied by a constant and self-sustaining increase in the functioning of the bone marrow. As it functions, it begins to actively produce healthy blood cells, which can cause significant damage to the body. Due to the uncontrolled and excessive generation of healthy leukocytes, this condition occurs.

In addition, this disease is often provoked by the harmful effects of radiation or the use of certain chemicals.