Levamisole (Levamisole)

Levamisole is an anthelmintic that is used to remove roundworms (roundworms) from the body. However, this medicinal substance not only has this property, but is also capable of having a stimulating effect on the body’s immune system.

Levamisole was first synthesized in 1966 and was approved for medical use in 1972. Since then, it has become widely used in various fields of medicine, including oncology, rheumatology and dermatology.

One of the main applications of levamisole is the treatment of ascariasis, a disease caused by roundworms. Levamisole acts on the nervous system of worms, which leads to their paralysis and removal from the body. Typically, levamisole is prescribed orally in a dosage that depends on the patient's weight and the degree of infection.

However, in addition to its anthelmintic effect, levamisole is also able to stimulate the body's immune system. This is achieved by increasing the sensitivity of T cells and activating phagocytes - cells that protect the body from infections. Due to this property of levamisole, it can be used in the treatment of a number of immune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis.

However, despite all its beneficial properties, levamisole can cause side effects. The main ones are joint pain and the effect on the process of hematopoiesis. Therefore, the use of levamisole may be limited in some cases.

Overall, levamisole is an important medicinal substance that has found application in various fields of medicine. Its ability to eliminate roundworms from the body and stimulate the immune system makes it a valuable tool in the fight against various diseases. However, as with any medicine, the use of levamisole should be under the supervision of a qualified physician and taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient.

Levamisole is an anthelmintic drug that is used to remove roundworms from the body. It also has a stimulating effect on the immune system, increasing the sensitivity of T cells and activating phagocytes.

However, like any medicine, Levamisole has a number of side effects. One of them is joint pain, which can be caused by the drug interacting with the immune system. In addition, the drug may affect the blood formation process and limit its use in some people.

Levamisole is often used to treat rheumatoid arthritis, but before starting treatment, you should consult your doctor and carefully study the contraindications and possible side effects.

Levamisole. Description of the drug

**Levamisole** is a drug that is intended for the treatment of helminthic infestations and some other diseases. The main diseases treated with this remedy:

- Ankylostomiasis; - Enterobiasis; - Helminthic infestation; - Estrose, or estrous invasion. This disease also affects the intestines, causing the appearance of worms; - Echinococcosis is a parasitic disease characterized by the presence in the body (usually in the liver)