Levin Operation (L. T. Levin, 1869-1944, Son. Otorhinolaryngologist)

Levin's operation (L.T. Levin 1869–1944; son. otorhinol.) is one of the methods of radical surgery on the ear.

Levine's operation is a method of radical treatment of chronic suppurative otitis media (CSOM). Chronic suppurative otitis media is a disease in which pus accumulates in the middle ear. This leads to destruction of the bones and cartilage of the ear, as well as hearing impairment. Treatment of CHSO can be surgical or conservative. Surgical treatment involves removing pus and damaged tissue and then restoring normal ear function.

Levin's operation is a surgical method for treating chronic hepatitis O, which was developed in 1909 by Russian otorhinolaryngologist Lev Timofeevich Levin. This method involves radically removing pus from the middle ear and restoring the normal functioning of this organ.

The essence of Levin's operation is as follows:

  1. Soft tissue incision behind the auricle.
  2. Removal of bone sections of the posterior and upper wall of the external auditory canal (EA) using a wide chisel.
  3. Removing pus from the NSP.
  4. Restoring normal functioning of the middle ear.
  5. Closing the wound with sutures.

Advantages of Levine's operation:

– Radical removal of pus from the ear.
– Restoration of normal functioning of the hearing organ.
– Reducing the risk of disease relapse.
– Reducing the likelihood of complications.

Disadvantages of Levine's operation:

– Highly traumatic.
– Risk of complications such as bleeding, damage to the facial nerve, damage to the eardrum, etc.
– Long recovery period after surgery.

In general, Levine's operation is an effective method of treating chronic hepatitis O. However, before the operation, it is necessary to conduct a thorough examination of the patient and determine the extent of damage to the middle ear.

The topic of this article is Levine's operation. It was developed by the Soviet otorhinolaryngologist Lavrentiy Iosifovich Levin in 1933. He improved the practice of medicine by treating Meniere's disease. To successfully complete the procedure in the case of a bilateral disease, it is customary to use pleuracolumbostasis together with Levine’s operation, which allows you to permanently recover from the disease and avoid deterioration of the ear condition.

The operation itself is a surgical intervention performed on the ears. It is considered a radical way to remove sections of the bones of the posterior wall at the external auditory opening. It is these bones that cause frequent pain. Levine surgery is used to treat Meniero's disease. L.I. Levin pursued the goal of creating an instrument for performing surgery that would allow the auricle to be preserved in an intact state. Compared with other instruments, it allowed for intervention while preserving its features. Although this operation received positive reviews for its effectiveness, its frequent implementation even using this method led to the fact that the number of people treated increased to 45 thousand people per year, and the main risk of complications occurred due to premature splitting of the external opening. In addition, the transition of the disease to a chronic form was also at high risk. These reasons have led to a large influx of patients with Menier's disease. This method has become