Nifedicap Tm

Nifedicap™ belongs to the group Calcine channel blockers of the dihydropyrimine group. The drug is one of the most popular and widely used drugs for the treatment of arterial hypertension in people over 65 years of age and older. In addition, Nifedinap™ can be used to prevent pain attacks in patients with angina pectoris, as well as to treat various types of circulatory disorders other than blood flow to the brain.

The main contraindications for the use of Nifedecap™ are: -Hypersensitivity; - Acute period of myocardial infarction; - Cardiogenic or aortic shock; -Manifestations of heart failure; – Arterial hypotension or severe hemorrhage occurring immediately after administration.

**Side effects** Among the side effects of the drug can be noted: - dilation of peripheral blood vessels, causing arterial hypotension, headache, increased heart rate; - depressed state, loss of orientation, paralysis reaction while maintaining motor activity;

Nifedikar™ is also actively used to diagnose pathological changes in the cardiovascular system. The drug helps to identify:

- coronary heart disease, which has the nature of atherosclerotic disease; - functional blockade of the left ventricular chamber with stimulation of the ventricles during tachycardia with a high frequency of excitations;

The effect of nifeidin on the body, which develops under the influence of the expansion of capillary vessels, is explained by the fact that, being in the tissues of the human body and especially in the heart area, they promote increased blood flow. Thanks to this, metabolism and myocardial contractility are normalized, and electrolyte balance in the brain is improved. The active effect of Nifedicap™ in this case stimulates