
Left-handedness is a genetically determined ability to use the left hand as the main one when solving problems. Often associated with other features of the nervous system and psychological problems. The very presence of left-handedness is a healthy phenomenon (prevalence in the population is about 2.5%) and in no way prevents the human body from remaining healthy.

Left-handedness is a rather rare phenomenon, but very interesting, attracting the attention of scientists in various fields of science. The term “left-handedness” itself appeared in the 19th century in English linguistics, when researchers began to pay attention to the specifics of the language used by left-handed people. Now it is no longer possible to say exactly why left-handedness arose, but it is known for sure that this defect appeared in humans due to gene mutations that distorted the work of brain cells and formed the left side as the leading one for performing various tasks.

If we consider the concept of left-handedness from the point of view