- Leuzea root
- “Levzeya P” or Levzeya in tablets:
- Leuzea application:
- Leuzea in sports
- Leuzea in bodybuilding
- Contents of the article:
Leuzea root
Leuzea is rightfully considered one of the most popular natural herbal preparations, the healing benefits of which have been known since ancient times. So, for example, already in the century before last, in the medical publications of that time there was information that Leuzea “can lift a person from over fourteen different diseases, giving additional strength and filling the body with youth.”
Leuzea is used before upcoming significant emotional and power stress, after suffering serious illnesses for the purpose of prompt rehabilitation, with loss of strength, disorders in the genitourinary area, and also with mental or physical chronic fatigue. Leuzea root helps improve performance, effectively relieves the feeling of fatigue, restores vigor and energy, improves the normal functioning of the gonads.
“Levzeya P” or Levzeya in tablets:
Currently, pharmacologists produce a drug called: "Levzeya-P", part of the product series: "Secrets of Longevity". It has not lost any of the healing properties of the plant of the same name, since it is considered completely natural, and, as before, is made from its root, with the addition of vitamin C. The medicine is produced using cryotechnology, the essence of which is to grind the ingredients at ultra-low temperatures. It is thanks to the use of the above technology that all the healing and beneficial properties of the famous plant are preserved.
Leuzea application:
Leuzea easily helps our body survive serious changes in living conditions. For example, it will be indispensable during long-distance business trips and travel, for easier acclimatization. It is recommended before important events in life, at those moments when we need to concentrate all the forces of our body. And not only physical, but also mental, psychological, emotional - for example, during exams, interviews, important business negotiations. To achieve maximum effect, it is recommended to start taking the medicine in advance - in advance of the upcoming serious stress on our body.
Possessing such miraculous qualities and, in fact, being natural, natural anabolic drug, Leuzea tablets are also successfully used in sports. Especially during competitions, in order to maximally concentrate all the mental and physical strength of the athlete at the peak of natural capabilities. This drug actually works like doping, mobilizing all the body's resources, squeezing them into a strong fist.
Leuzea P has a weaker tonic effect than, for example, Eleutherococcus. But compared to the latter, it is allowed for use by people of any blood group, since according to recent scientific research, Eleutherococcus has absolutely no effect on those with group 4. In contrast, Leuzea affects all blood groups equally.
Leuzea in bodybuilding
Since Leuzea contains phytoecdysones, and these are polyhydroxylated steroid compoundshaving pronounced anabolic activity, it willingly applied athletes and in iron sports. Since the introduction of Leuzea extract into the body increases and enhances the efficiency of protein synthetic processes, its effect directly contributes to the accumulation of protein in the muscles, heart, liver and kidneys. And this in turn significantly increases physical endurance And strength performance. In addition, prolonged use of Leuzea leads to a gradual expansion of the blood vessels and an increase in the total number of capillaries. As a result, it significantly improves overall blood circulation and slows down our heart rate, thereby stabilizing the pulse and reducing the load on the heart.
The medicine Levzeya is available in tablets of 5 mg. It should be taken for 2-3 weeks, 3 times a day, strictly with meals. The recommended dosage for adults is 2-3 tablets per dose.
- cardiac dysfunction,
- increased nervous excitability,
- arterial hypertension,
- pronounced atherosclerosis,
- insomnia,
- individual intolerance.
Also another positive aspect in favor of this medicine is its relative cheapness. One Leuzea P tablet contains at least 0.85 milligrams of Ecdisten. And in sports nutrition stores, supplements containing ecdisthene cost from 800 to 2000 rubles! But price and availability are also important.
What we have eventually: inexpensive, accessible, practically harmless, natural drug, which has a lot of positive properties and qualities, improves brain and physical activity, increases immunity and the health of the body as a whole. After all of the above, there is only one last word left to add: “We recommend!”.
Contents of the article:
Leuzea root.
"Levzeya P" or Levzeya in tablets.
Leuzea application.
Leuzea in sports.
Leuzea in bodybuilding.
![Leuzeia (English)](/assets/images/psdpost/ftnbd/levzeya-fzFlPZ.webp)