Life Formula Immunostart

Life formula "ImmunoStart": review of the drug

Life formula "ImmunoStart" is a dietary supplement (dietary supplement) with a general strengthening effect, produced by Pharma-Med in the United States of America. The drug contains vitamin C and zinc, which are important elements for maintaining the body's immunity.

Composition and action

The main components of ImmunoStart are vitamin C and zinc. Vitamin C is involved in the regulation of the immune system, reduces the duration and severity of ARVI and influenza, and also strengthens the vascular wall. Zinc, in turn, has an antiviral effect and is involved in the formation of new cells of the immune system.

Indications for use

"ImmunoStart" is recommended for catarrhal symptoms due to a cold or hypothermia, such as nasal congestion, difficulty in nasal breathing, and sore throat. The drug can also be used for the prevention of acute respiratory viral infections, influenza, parainfluenza in the cold season and in case of mass morbidity, as well as for immunoprophylaxis in case of intolerance to Echinacea. "ImmunoStart" can be used as an adjuvant therapy for diseases of the skin and genitourinary system.

Contraindications and side effects

"ImmunoStart" is contraindicated in case of individual intolerance to the components and hyperoxaluria. No side effects were identified.

Interaction and overdose

There are no data on the interaction of ImmunoStart with other drugs. In case of drug overdose there is no data.

special instructions

If cold symptoms do not subside within 7 days, it is recommended to consult a doctor.


"ImmunoStart" is a dietary supplement containing vitamin C and zinc, which help strengthen the body's immunity. The drug can be used for the prevention and treatment of catarrhal diseases, as well as to strengthen the skin and genitourinary system. The drug should be taken on the recommendation of a doctor, and if there is no improvement in your health within 7 days, seek advice.