Ligament of the Penis Sling-shaped

The penile ligament is one of the important elements of human anatomy, which provides support and fixation of the penis during its movement and erection. It is a muscular ligament located under the skin and muscle layer of the abdominal wall. The main purpose of the penile ligament is to provide support for the penis and protect it from injury and damage when performing various physical exercises and movements.

The penile ligament of the sling is formed from the deep transverse abdominal muscles, which are located between the skin and the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall, and begins from the pubis to the ankle of each thigh. Along the edges of the perineum, where it contacts the pelvic bone, it forms the capsule of the external urethral sphincter. On the upper part of the ligament, in its perineal region, it passes through the base of the clitoris, and on the lower part of the ligament, along the muscle layer of the pubic region. One of the main functions of this ligament is to provide stability and prevent the penis from moving backward during erection and during sexual arousal. This is achieved due to the fact that when the smooth muscles in the walls of the anterior part of the prostate and the muscles of the pubic bone contract, the muscles of the penile ligaments also contract, providing support and stabilization of the penis. Thus, the laundry ligament helps to maintain the correct direction of movement of the penis to create a comfortable and effective mechanical connection between the penis and the vaginal walls. In addition, the Prachevida penile ligament prevents the genital organs from shifting during movement and gravity during vigorous physical activities such as sports and exercise. It is in direct contact with the pubic organs, so it provides them with support and reduces the likelihood of damage or inflammation. It also promotes mechanical coupling of the penis with the partner during orgasm, which increases the sensitivity and strength of sensations when stimulating erogenous zones.

Penile sling ligament: anatomy and functions

The sling-shaped ligament of the penis (lat. fundiforme penis) is one of the important structures of the male genital organ. It is a thin white film that surrounds the penis and plays a significant role in its support and erection. In this article we will look at the anatomy and functions of the penile ligament.

The anatomy of the sling-shaped penile ligament includes several components. It starts from the navel and runs down to form a ring around the base of the penis. The ligament then spreads along its lateral surfaces and joins the body of the penis. During an erection, the sling ligament of the penis tightens, increasing support and firmness of the penis.

The main function of the penile ligament is to maintain an erection. It helps maintain the erect position of the penis during sexual intercourse. Thanks to the ligament, the penis remains hard and tense, which promotes satisfactory sexual performance.

In addition, the penile sling ligament also plays a role in maintaining the position of the urinary canal. It helps prevent penile bending, which can lead to urinary problems. In this way, the ligament contributes to the normal function of the bladder and urinary canal.

Despite its importance, the penile ligament is rarely the subject of medical research and discussion. However, understanding its role and functions is important for a general understanding of the structure of the male reproductive organ.

In conclusion, the penile ligament is a significant structure that supports the penis and promotes erection. It plays an important role in maintaining the position of the penis and normal function of the urinary canal. Although the penile sling ligament is not well understood, understanding it is an important aspect of the anatomy of the male reproductive organ and its functions.