Lighting Natural

Natural lighting is lighting from direct, diffused or reflected sunlight.

Natural lighting has a number of advantages over artificial lighting:

  1. It is free and does not require any electricity costs.

  2. It provides more natural color rendering, which is important for visual comfort.

  3. It creates a feeling of connection with the outside world and natural rhythms.

  4. It has a beneficial effect on people's health and well-being.

  5. It allows you to save on artificial lighting systems.

At the same time, natural light depends on the time of day, weather conditions and time of year. Therefore, to create optimal lighting conditions, it is often combined with artificial lighting. Proper design of natural lighting allows you to maximize its benefits.

Natural lighting is lighting that is created by natural light, that is, sunlight. It can be direct, when sunlight hits an object directly, diffused, when light is reflected from surrounding objects and surfaces, or reflected, when sunlight is reflected from the surface of an object.

Natural light has many benefits. It creates a comfortable and cozy atmosphere in the room, improves people’s mood and performance, and also helps maintain eye health. In addition, natural lighting helps save energy as it does not require the use of artificial light sources.

However, natural light may be insufficient or uneven in some rooms, especially during the winter season. In such cases, it is necessary to use additional light sources such as incandescent lamps, fluorescent lamps or LED lamps.

It is important to consider that natural lighting must be properly organized. Windows should be clean and clear to allow enough sunlight to pass through. It is also necessary to consider the location of windows and the direction of sunlight to ensure optimal illumination of the room.

Overall, natural lighting is an important factor in creating a comfortable and healthy indoor environment. However, if natural light is insufficient, additional light sources must be used to provide sufficient illumination.