
Ligranum: antigen for the diagnosis of lymphogranulomatosis inguinal

Inguinal lymphogranulomatosis is an infectious disease caused by the pathogen Chlamydia trachomatis. It is sexually transmitted and can lead to various complications such as chronic pelvic pain syndrome, fertility and infertility.

One of the main methods for diagnosing inguinal lymphogranulomatosis is a serological blood test for the presence of antibodies to the causative agent of the disease. For this, various antigens are used, including Ligranum.

Ligranum is an antigen for the serological diagnosis of lymphogranulomatosis inguinalis, which is prepared from the yolk sacs of chick embryos infected with Chlamydia trachomatis. In the production of Ligranum, special cleaning and sterilization methods are used to ensure the absence of contamination by other microorganisms.

The use of Ligranum in serological tests allows us to detect the presence of antibodies to Chlamydia trachomatis in the patient’s blood. This is very important for the early diagnosis and treatment of inguinal lymphogranulomatosis, since the disease can be asymptomatic or with minor symptoms in the initial stage.

In conclusion, Ligranum is an effective antigen for the serological diagnosis of lymphogranulomatosis inguinalis. Its use makes it possible to detect the disease early and prescribe timely treatment, which helps improve the prognosis and prevent complications.

Ligranums are a serological immune preparation used for the diagnosis and treatment of various diseases. The most common area of ​​application of the product is the diagnosis of inguinal lymphatic anuloma, cancer and other oncological formations. In this material we will learn more about ligranum, its composition, properties and methods of use.