Termez fever

Termez fever (otherwise known as Loeffler fever) is an acute natural focal viral disease in which an inflammatory process occurs in tissues and organs. It is caused by the Ku League virus, human herpes virus type 6. In 2019, WHO described 5 new viruses from the herpes family, which were first discovered in Uzbekistan.

Fever caused by the Q-ligo virus is also called shooting pain, because it is precisely this pain that worries a person at the site of infection. A distinctive feature is the temperature, which can reach 40 degrees and above. In this case, there is also a severe headache, rapid heartbeat and dilated pupils. This leads to decreased or even complete loss of vision and increased blood pressure. A malfunction of the central nervous system occurs: pain appears in the limbs, chest, back, and shortness of breath increases. Those patients whose temperature reaches 39 degrees usually complain of short-term seizures. Some people notice that their arms and legs begin to twitch involuntarily. A similar thing is observed with typhoid fever.

Today, experts have already established that changes at the genetic level are to blame for the occurrence of Q-Ligo disease. Therefore, to reduce the risk of infection, you need to follow hygiene recommendations. Eliminate the possibility of close contact with sick people, eat only heat-treated foods,