Water Fever

Water fever is a disease that is caused by microbes and can lead to serious health consequences. Symptoms of this illness may include fever, chills, headache, vomiting, abdominal pain, and weakness and body aches.

Water fever is common in many parts of the world and poses a health threat to people, especially those who are in a pool, water park, or other area with a large number of people. The cause of the disease is the entry of bacteria into the water, where they begin to multiply rapidly and cause fever in people.

To prevent disease, it is necessary to follow the rules of hygiene and sanitation when using swimming pools, water parks and other water places. It is also recommended to avoid contact with contaminated water or people who show signs of illness. If you do get sick, you should immediately seek medical help.

To avoid water fever, you must: - Maintain good hygiene. Be sure to wash your hands with soap before contact with water. - Avoid contact with strangers. This will help avoid infection with other types of germs. - Use and store your cosmetics and toiletries correctly. You cannot use other people's personal hygiene items; they must be changed as needed. - Be sure to maintain sufficient distance between swimmers. Good practice is to leave 2 meters between each swimmer. - Carefully monitor the condition of the body. Take prompt action if any symptoms of ill health appear.