
Lymphangiitis: causes, symptoms and treatment

Lymphangiitis is an inflammation of the lymphatic vessels, usually caused by a bacterial infection. This condition can develop in both children and adults and can lead to serious complications if not treated appropriately. In this article we will look at the causes, symptoms and treatment of lymphangitis.

Causes of lymphangitis
Lymphangitis usually occurs due to a bacterial infection that enters the lymphatic vessels through a wound or cut in the skin. Some of the most common bacteria that can cause lymphangitis include streptococci and staphylococci. People with weakened immune systems are at higher risk of developing lymphangitis.

Symptoms of lymphangitis
Symptoms of lymphangitis may include pain and swelling along the lymphatic vessels, a superficial red or pink pattern on the skin, increased body temperature, fever, and a feeling of tiredness. In more severe cases, the formation of purulent abscesses on the skin may occur.

Treatment of lymphangitis
Treatment for lymphangitis usually involves taking antibiotics and relieving symptoms. Patients may be prescribed pain relievers and anti-inflammatory drugs to reduce pain and swelling. In some cases, surgery may be required to remove purulent boils or drain lymphatic vessels.

Preventing Lymphangitis
Preventing lymphangitis comes down to basic hygiene measures and preventing skin wounds. It is important to keep your skin clean, wash your hands regularly and avoid contact with possible sources of infection. In case of cuts or wounds on the skin, they should be thoroughly cleaned and covered with a bandage or plaster to prevent bacteria from entering the lymphatic vessels.

In conclusion, lymphangitis is a serious condition that requires proper treatment. It is important to maintain good hygiene and prevent skin wounds to reduce the risk of infection. If you suspect lymphangitis, see your doctor for diagnosis and treatment.

Lymphangitis is an acute inflammation of the lymphatic vessels. Lymphatic vessels are special vessels that transport immune cells and microbes between the blood and tissues. Inflammation of the lymphatic tract causes tissue swelling, sometimes redness and pain in this area. Depending on what tissues are affected