Lymph Nodes Bronchial

Bronchial lymph nodes are located along the bronchi and their branches. They are divided into right and left groups.

The right bronchial lymph nodes lie along the right main bronchus, its lobar and segmental branches. They drain lymph from the right lung, posterior mediastinum, part of the pericardium, and the upper part of the esophagus.

Left bronchial lymph nodes are located along the left main bronchus and its branches. They drain lymph from the left lung, anterior mediastinum, lower trachea, heart, and thymus.

From the bronchial lymph nodes, lymph flows into the bronchomediastinal trunks, which empty into the left and right lymphatic ducts.

Thus, the bronchial lymph nodes play an important role in the drainage of lymph from the lungs and mediastinum. Their condition reflects pathological processes in these organs.