Линия (Line, Multiple Lines)

Linea is a narrow band or line in anatomy. It can come in different shapes and sizes, but usually takes the form of a straight, narrow strip. In anatomy, a line can be formed by both muscle fibers and tendons.

One example of a line in anatomy is the linea alba (Linea alba). It is located on the anterior abdominal wall and is formed by intersecting fibers of the aponeurosis of the external oblique muscle and the internal oblique muscle. The linea alba is a tendon cord and runs from the xiphoid process to the pubic symphysis.

Line can also be used to describe other structures in anatomy, such as blood vessels, nerve bundles, and other elements. In general, the concept of line in anatomy allows us to more accurately describe the structure of the body and its functions.

Line - (Latin linea "line; straight line") - in anatomy, a narrow, wide or long strip of something. In anatomy, it is of Latin origin from the Latin linea - “line”. Used to indicate stripes on the surface of the human body and also used in text. A line in a person is a thin narrow transverse wide strip on the human body, often indicating muscles and organs. We can also say that a line is a straight line between objects. Lines stand out on human skin, in its subcutaneous layers and circulatory system, under the surface of internal organs, etc.

The linea alba is a part of the abdominal muscles that is formed by the intersecting tendons of adjacent muscles (the oblique and rectus abdominis muscles). This line corresponds to the part of abdominal fat that should normally be absent because fatty tissue interferes with abdominal exercises.

When a person's digestion is impaired, he acquires a saggy belly that bulges under the fabric or skin without underwear - this excess fluid accumulates in the abdominal cavity or in a thicker layer of adipose tissue. A fat bulge only forms when the size of the fat cells increases. The more a fold of skin with a fat cell stretches, the larger it becomes. And this process takes a long time, the cell stretches and may burst. By stretching it, you yourself can help the growth of fatty tissues even before they have time to grow to their largest size; you stretch them with your pressure on the skin.

This condition is called “stuffing” - when the doctor treats the patient for 2 months in order to then remove tens of kilograms of fat. Thus, swollen skin stretched outside by subcutaneous loose tissue - saggy fat - causes health problems and spoils the patient's appearance.