Line M

The M line is one of the most mysterious lines in the human body, and one of the few things that scientists still don't fully understand.

The first theory of mesenchyme appeared in the 19th century. Scientists talked about the type of connective tissue that forms inside the developing embryo. From a biological point of view, it has much in common with the current M. At the end of the 20th century, a group of scientists led by Paolo di Sandra put forward the idea that the M line is a remnant of rudimentary mesoderm and takes part in the formation of the organs of the genitourinary system. According to another theory, the M line is one of the centers of early embryonic development of axial organs (morphological units formed from the mesenchymal mass). These organs include the nervous system, lymphatic system and blood vessels. The elongated mesenchymopoietic cylinder that forms the M region is similar in all morphological characteristics to early embryological mesenchyme. In its infancy, the M line contains numerous fibroblasts with