Lip pencil

Lip pencil: how to properly highlight the contour of your mouth

Lip pencil is an indispensable makeup tool that helps highlight the contour of the lips and give them a more expressive look. But how to use this accessory correctly so that the result is as effective as possible? In this article we will talk about how to choose a lip pencil, how to apply it and what shades are best to use.

Choosing a lip pencil

Before you start applying lip liner, you need to choose the right shade. The pencil should be a shade darker than the lipstick or gloss to create contrast and add volume to the lips. If you are using a ginger (terracotta) or brownish color, the pencil can even be a medium brown.

In addition to the shade, pay attention to the texture of the pencil. If you want a clearer, smoother line, choose a hard pencil. If you prefer a more natural and soft effect, it is better to choose a lip brush.

Apply lip pencil

Before applying lip liner, you need to prepare your mouth. Make sure your lips are not dry or flaky. If necessary, apply balm or moisturizer to them.

Outline the mouth with a pencil or brush, starting from the middle of the upper lip and continuing the line to the corners in both directions. Then do the same with your lower lip. Try to be extremely careful in the corners to avoid the eyeliner from bleeding.

To keep your eyeliner line straight and crisp, rest your elbow on the table and rest your wrist against your chin, pressing your little finger to your cheek for stability. Work with small, smooth strokes. Lining your lips takes practice, but with patience you'll get the hang of it in no time.

Follow the natural contour line, being careful not to extend beyond the colored part of the lips into the surrounding skin. The lips should be relaxed and slightly parted.

Finishing lip makeup

After applying lip liner, be sure to apply lipstick or gloss to seal the result and give your lips a vibrant color. Eyeliner will also help keep your lipstick in place, preventing it from smudging.

Avoid applying too much lipstick or gloss so as not to ruin the lip line you created with the pencil. If your lips need additional correction, you can correct the contour with a pencil after applying lipstick or gloss.

The choice of lipstick shade or gloss depends on your personal preference and the color of your lip liner. If you use a bright pencil, it is better to choose a neutral shade of lipstick or gloss. If the pencil is more neutral, then you can experiment with bright shades of lipstick or gloss.

If you want to create a voluminous lip effect, apply gloss to the center of your lips. This will give them additional volume and shine.

It is important to remember that a lip pencil is an essential tool for creating perfect lip makeup. By following the tips above, you can easily contour your lips and give them a more expressive look.