Lichen Red Flat Serpiginous

Lichen planus serpiginosa: symptoms, causes and treatment

Lichen planus serpiginous (lat. l. ruber planus serpiginosus) is a rare skin disease that is characterized by the appearance of flat, red, then crescent-shaped rashes on the skin. These rashes can be itchy and cause discomfort.

The causes of lichen planus serpiginosa are not fully understood, but it is thought to be related to a disorder of the immune system. Some factors that may contribute to the development of the disease include stress, infections, allergies and certain medications.

Symptoms of lichen planus serpiginosa include red, flat, oval rashes on the skin that may be crescent-shaped and located along stretch lines of the skin. The rash can be itchy and uncomfortable, especially in areas where the skin is subject to friction.

To diagnose lichen planus serpiginosa, consultation with a dermatologist is necessary. The doctor may examine the skin and possibly take a biopsy sample for further analysis.

Treatment for lichen planus serpiginosa may include topical medications such as corticosteroid creams or immunosuppressives, as well as systemic medications such as retinoid medications or immunosuppressives. In some cases, treatment for the condition that may cause lichen planus serpiginosa, such as an infection or allergy, may be necessary.

Although lichen planus serpiginosa can be unpleasant and cause discomfort, most people who suffer from this condition have a good prognosis for recovery. If you suspect you have this condition, see a dermatologist for diagnosis and treatment.

Lichen planus red is a very characteristic lesion of the skin of the legs. The disease is caused by various pathogens. It can occur in different ways, develop independently or act as a symptom of another pathology. Treatment is provided by dermatologists and venereologists. The disease can develop at any age.