Lijat at-tais is a goatherd

There is a little warmth in it, and its coldness is such that it moderates the warmth. It seems that he is not very cold, and his coldness reaches the limit of the first degree, and the dryness in him is strong up to the second degree.

Actions and properties.
Astringent to a certain extent, but its root is more astringent; it is included in teryak to strengthen the organs, and its squeezed juice binds like rose seeds.

Wounds and ulcers.
Its leaves, if dried, are healing; it helps against old ulcers. Its flowers have a stronger effect in all this.

Organs of the head.
Salsify root is one of the medicines that clears dirt from the ears, dries out ear ulcers and helps against deafness.

Respiratory and chest organs.
Its flowers, leaves and roots, no matter what you take, if you drink them in barley water, help against ulcers in the lungs, and its squeezed juice is useful for hemoptysis.

Nutritional organs.
Salsify, especially its squeezed juice, strengthens the stomach and prevents the outpouring of matter there.

Eruption organs.
Salsify, and especially its flowers or stems, is a powerful medicine for ulcers in the intestines if given with wine. When taken as a medicated dressing or drink, it also helps against bleeding from the uterus.