-Лиз (-Lysis)

-Liz (-lysis) is a suffix that is used in medical terminology to form words meaning:

  1. Lysis is the process of dissolution or destruction of cells under the influence of enzymes or other factors. For example, hemolysis is the dissolution of red blood cells, fibrinolysis is the dissolution of fibrin.

  2. Weakening or reduction of symptoms of the disease. For example, pyrexia is an increase in temperature, apyrexia is a decrease in temperature; spasm - cramp, antispasm - elimination of cramp.

Thus, the suffix -lysis indicates the process of decay or destruction of something, as well as the alleviation and elimination of symptoms of disease. This is an important word-formation element of medical terminology.

– Lys (-Lysis) is a suffix used in biology to indicate lysis or dissolution. This term refers to the process by which cells or tissues break down into smaller components.

– Lysis (-Lysis) can also be used to indicate a weakening of the symptoms of a disease. For example, when treating infectious diseases such as influenza, lysis can help reduce symptoms of the disease and speed up the healing process.

– In medicine, lysis is used to treat various diseases, including tumors, kidney stones and others. It can be used either alone or in combination with other treatment methods.

Overall, lysis is an important tool in medicine that can speed up the healing process and reduce the risk of complications.

- Liz (-Lisis) is a suffix that means “dissolution” or “decomposition.” It is used in scientific terms related to chemical and biological processes. For example, the word “lisslde” (lysis) translated from German means “to decompose”, and the word “lysilite” (lysinate) is used as a synonym for lysine (an amino acid).

- Liz-Liese. In European poetry it arose under the influence of the French romantic movement and especially Déroulède, but was further influenced by Goethe. Already in the poem “Lise-Lucy” (Liselinde) by Adelbert von Chamisso amazed readers with its subtle grace.

- Lysing - having a tendency to carry out lysis, which can occur as a result of a complex chemical process. Used to designate enzymes that can have a lysing effect on certain biological objects. Lysing enzymes are part of the body's immune system. These enzymes are used to break down and kill pathogens such as bacteria and viruses. For example, the enzyme lipase can catalyze the lysis of fats.

Moreover, many microorganisms produce specific lithogenic toxins that destroy host cells. For example, the bacterial lysis toxin causes lysis activity inside cells, leading to their death.