
Pedophilia is the sexual attraction to children, both boys and girls, who have not reached the age of consent, usually under 16 years of age. This problem is a serious violation of current legislation in most countries of the world and is subject to severe punishment.

Psychological and social factors such as growing up in a sexually abusive family, mental disorders, low self-esteem, etc. can influence the development of pedophilia. But, as a rule, pedophilia is a complex and multifaceted phenomenon that cannot be explained simply by one factor.

Pedophiles usually try to hide their desires, as their behavior is not approved by society and can lead to serious legal consequences. And although many pedophiles understand the illegality of their desires, they often cannot control their actions.

There are various ways to treat pedophilia. Behavioral therapy can help pedophiles learn to control their desires and habits. Medicines that help reduce sex drive may also be used. However, there is no universal method of treating pedophilia, and each case requires an individual approach.

Some critics argue that pedophilia is an incurable disorder and that pedophiles will always pose a threat to children. However, many studies show that with the right treatment and support, pedophiles can overcome their urges and live normal lives.

In conclusion, pedophilia is a serious disorder that requires attention and treatment. Pedophiles must understand the illegality of their desires and make every effort to get rid of them. Society must be more aware of pedophilia and its consequences in order to prevent similar cases in the future.

Sexual attraction to minors (we are talking about children under 18 years of age) is usually called pedophilia. This is one of the most serious violations of public morals. In most countries of the world this is a crime.

There are plenty of reasons for the occurrence of pathological sexual attraction to children. Each individual is individual and there will always be circumstances that can cause the corresponding disease. Social factors play a big role. The child has virtually no understanding of the world around him. He is not aware of the need for sexual intimacy and rather treats adults as guardians. After all, they take care of him and create conditions for his full development. The baby just wants to be close, protect and receive care from the people around him. The prohibitions of adults and the search for a space of understanding give rise to an unformed craving for obtaining the forbidden.

Simply put, the child does not understand the difference between physiological puberty and sexual intimacy. For some reason this is becoming an obsession for pedophiles.

*However, it must be recognized* that violent acts involving children are unacceptable! Most of these attempts ended in dire consequences, often with the death of one of the participants. This is due to the insufficient degree of psychological differentiation that socialization can create. Therefore, pedophilia is strictly punished by law, and the children's parents are under investigation.

What is pedophilia? Pedophilia is a term used to describe a person's sexual attraction or behavior towards immature children, that is, children who have not yet reached the age of puberty. In the vast majority of countries in the world, sex education available to children has nothing to do with age-related sexuality; This approach is based on the opinion that children are children, and that their body is the same as everyone else's, with its own sexual characteristics. In contrast, pedophilism is based on the assumption that children's vulnerability allows adults to control them and abuse their inability to fight back.

Sexual arousal towards underdeveloped, emotionally unprotected, mentally or physically helpless children arises as a result of personality disorders of the pedophiles themselves, and the suppression of a natural defensive reaction - disgust. The pedophile makes it clear that he is too unstable and weak a person to control his emotions, hence the dependence on children. The main quality of pedophilia

Pedophilia, or sexual attraction to children, is a serious problem that affects millions of people around the world. This type of sexual behavior is illegal in most countries of the world. According to statistics from the World Health Organization, approximately 12-20% of men have a desire to touch children, even if they do not have