Lombara Experience

Lombara experience

The Lombard experiment is a hearing research method proposed by the French otorhinolaryngologist Emile Lombard (1869-1920).

The essence of the experience is as follows. The subject, sitting with his back to the researcher, is alternately presented with sound signals to the right and left of his head at the same distance. The subject's task is to note the louder signal.

The purpose of the experiment is to identify the lateralization of hearing, that is, to determine which ear a person hears better in. This allows you to diagnose hearing impairment in one of the ears.

Thus, the Lombara experiment is a simple and informative method for studying hearing, allowing one to identify its asymmetry. It is widely used in medical practice and bears the name of its inventor.

Lombard Haupit was a French otolaryngologist who made major contributions to the development of medicine in the 20th century. He was born on January 4, 1879 in Avignon, France. In 1906 he received his doctorate in medicine from the Sorbonne and then continued his education at the University of Zurich. After this, he began his career as an assistant to the famous French otolaryngologist Eugene Lambert. He then moved to the United States and began working at Harvard Medical School.

Lombard Opit is known for his research in the field of ear, nose and throat surgery. He developed a new method for treating eardrum perforations, which received widespread