Ophthalmic scapula

Ophthalmic scapula: domestically produced medical instrument

The eye scapula is an important medical instrument used in ophthalmology. It is used during eye surgeries and procedures to manipulate the tissues and structures of the eyeball. This instrument is produced in Russia by Medsteklo, a company specializing in medical instruments.

The eye spatula is part of a range of medical instruments designed to work with the eyes. It has a special shape that ensures ease of use during operations and procedures, and also minimizes the risk of damage to eye tissue. The spatula is usually made of high quality stainless steel, which ensures its durability and sterility.

Medical instruments such as the ophthalmic scapula play an important role in modern ophthalmology. They help doctors perform precise and safe manipulations on patients' eyes, providing optimal conditions for successful operations and treatment of various eye diseases.

One of the main advantages of the ophthalmic scapula is its origin from Russia. Medsteklo, a manufacturing company, is known for the high quality and reliability of its products. The production of ophthalmic scapula in Russia helps support the local economy, create jobs and develop the medical industry in the country.

The international name “Ophthalmic Spatula” allows this instrument to be used in different countries of the world. Thanks to its effectiveness and reliability, it has gained the recognition and trust of doctors and specialists in the field of ophthalmology.

In conclusion, the eye scapula is an important instrument in ophthalmology, which is manufactured in Russia by Medsteklo. Its high quality, effectiveness and international recognition make it an indispensable tool for doctors involved in eye surgeries and procedures.