
Lordosis is a medical term that refers to the curvature of the spine in a forward direction. This occurs because the vertebrae of the spine are not attached well enough to the bones of the pelvis and hips. As a result, the vertebrae are slightly misaligned and create a curve toward the lumbar spine.

Lordosis can occur not only with obesity or incorrect body position during sleep, but also under the influence of various factors, for example, increased physical activity, accelerated growth in children, and taking hormonal medications. Lordosis can also be hereditary.

The first symptom of lordosis may be pain in the lumbar spine, which occurs after

Lordosis is the curvature of the spine towards the head. This is one of four possible spinal deformities that can occur due to abnormal stress on the spine or damage to its structures. In medical terminology, “lordosis” is translated as forward bending. And these lines indicate precisely lordosis. Lordosis most often develops due to prolonged stay in a bent position, usually more than two hours a day, while working or driving a car. Obesity can also be a cause. With lordosis, the entire spinal column suffers, rather than individual vertebrae. This pathology is most common in women aged 35–45 years, but there may be cases of detection